heh heh,thanks, he's full of himself too. I guess he feels this is his second chance at life so he might as well punk it up. Ahh the care free lifestyle of a fish Or he feels that he has cheated death and he's stronger than all B) ( he left out the part about his mommy rushing in to save him though, that makes his story far less manly!)
Lol, maybe he had selective memory loss. And just "forgot" to tell the others about his mommy running around worried sick trying to save him.
He is absolutely gorgeous.
Thank you
I can't wait to jar more of them. I was scoping out the grow out last night and thinking "I'm gonna pull this one, and this one, and that one"...and then I realized thats a lot of jars
wuv, he's beautiful!!!
by the time they're ready for new homes, it should be warmer here... i forsee a package from texas to boston if/when you sell any... maybe some smaragdina too!!