One Of My Candy Cane Children


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
I've not had a computer for the past week, or I'd of posted about this sooner. Earlier this week I was doing a water change on my red/white marble tank. As some of you know I use filter floss inside my syphons to prevent fish from being sucked up and injured. I was sort of in a hurry since I was supposed to head back up to my lfs before closing to bring them some kribs so after the tank was drained, I threw the vac on the floor,turned on the hose and headed on to the krib tank- then out the door. When I came back home, for some odd reason, I went and pulled the dirty floss from the syphon, which I admit- I never do until it's time for the next water change. There was a betta stuck deep in the floss :( I couldn't believe it.
I was certain he was dead, Tuesday and I both thought so. But,this will sound weird, when I looked in his eye through the floss, for a split second I could see myself from his view so I hurried and got him out of the tangled floss and put him in a cup of water. He had no color and he just floated with his mouth at the surface and his tail straight down. We both sat and stared and then...his gills started huffing. Yes!
I still wasn't sure if he'd pull through or not so I put him off by himself. The next day he looked kinda bad and clampy, but otherwise he was intact and alive. The *next* day he was perfect and he'd even built a bubble nest!!!

I'll admit, I've never *really* noticed him before in the chaotic grow out tank. He's just darling :wub:

Flarin', as though nothing ever happened :wub:

I love him.
I'll say! He must have felt so alone and forgotten for that time period :(
Actually, I think "candy cane boy" might stick. That comes from an old school White Stripes song 'Candy Cane Children' and this one line struck me when I thought of this boy "You're alone,son, in the middle of a million"
I had a "candy cane boy" a couple years ago, he was my favorite betta. I was due for another by that name. :wub:
Especially since I never name my bettas/fish. It seems the only ones who wind up with a "handle" are those who have a tragic story to tell :lol: Like Lionheart, so affectionately dubbed that by a member here over a year ago. That name stuck like chuck.
your naming him candy cane boy? Though I dont know how to goes with his fierce look. hahahahaha. Maybe Thunder or lightning would suit him well. But if you already picked "Candy Cane Boy" thats fine as long as you let me post a pic of a candy cane boy:


So if you want your betta to grow up with that name...Look at the boy. :lol:

-Arrowhead :ninja:
I think he's darling ^_^
Funny enough,this all goes with the song,too.
"..Candy Cane Boy, doncha know your name,boy? Nine people gonna ask ya just the same,boy.."
Such a great song :wub:
Aww bless him he's gorgeous :wub:

Its amazing how they sometimes get "lost" in the grow-out tank. Glad you found him, even if it was in the filter floss :crazy:
Awww poor little guy! I'm glad he pulled through! He's such a looker, too! :)
He is :nod: When I first thought he was dead I was quite surprised at how beautiful he was. I was like "Son of a...he's even got nice marbling :X " ,not that it would of made a bit of difference if he was the ugliest fish in the tank. We're all equals around here :wub:
He'll get even more handsome now that he's jarred.

Me too, Joby. I was so thankful for how well he bounced back.

I almost get dizzy when I look in the tank with so many. I seriously only focus on one or two at a time. Certain ones always jump out and some just blend in and who knew they were even there? :lol:
I never count, but I'll guesstimate 165...ish? In this particular spawn anyway.

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