One Of Its Eyeballs Fell Off!


New Member
Oct 14, 2009
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El Salvador
My goldfish (and yes I know this is the tropical section, but almost NOBODY responds immediately in the cold water fish section) lost one eyeball today...well it's still there, but i'm sure it will fall off soon, i'm not sure how this happened...I have NO sharp objects in the tank, just a plant, and decorations that would, by no means harm their eyes...oh well, I highly doubt it will grow back, it's like a person losing an eye, an organ that will never grow back...i'm not sure I can get used to seeing him, or her this way, I just feel bad for it...will it be vulnerable to infection or something?
Poor thing. Add some melafix.
Was the eye bulging out.

How many fish and which type.
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Fish can still live out there lives with just one eye.
Since you are keeping in in a warm-water tank, keep an eye out for infection... bacteria can catch up fast with fish being housed in unsuitable temperatures. Also, double-check that the melafix won't harm the plecos if they are still in there--- some scaleless fish react badly to the odd medication. Also, melafix will do a number on the labyrinth organs of fish like gouramis.

Is it a bubble-eye/telescope eye goldfish? Fancies are pretty slow--- perhaps it got chomped by a tankmate? What's your stocking like right now?
I never said my goldfish were on a warm water tank...and I got 2 tanks right now, I actually got 2 because I bought two Plecos who wouldn't get along, so for the second tank I bought a Gourami, but he's solely with the Pleco in there. For my 25 gallon right now (which is only temporary), I got 1 Black moor goldfish, 2 Fantails, 1 oranda, and an unidentifiable goldfish, my starter fish were the moor and the 2 fantails, and I know you're thinking it's the Black moor who's lost its eye...well, he may be the one most likely to do so, or at least it may seem, but to my surprise, it was one of the fantails, the female one I presume, I couldn't believe it...I got them and have kept them for more than a year now and i've seen nothing like this happen, heck, if the Black Moor's been perfectly fine all this time, it's your proof my tank doesn't have sharp i'm puzzled, really, this other goldfish I call "unidentifiable", it's because idk what the heck it is, but it looks like a common goldfish, except he's all white, and has weird big black eyes, he seems to sometimes go crazy and chase goldfish around as if he was trying to mate with them I think...he's done that with all 3 goldfish except the oranda which was a new addition to the tank by my mother, but he wasn't doing that this whole week, so I doubt it was because of the white one, I really don't know...but i'm positive this happened sometime today, to the second girl above me, I can't give you water stats, because I haven't got any tools to measure, but I will assure I make constant water changes, so the infection problem should be under control..
Well good luck treating the poor guy... I honestly don't know how to go about treating that sort of thing without a quarantine tank and the current stocking makes things difficult. Much less, I can't help you at all without knowing your water parameters. 'Constant water changes' doesn't really give us enough to go off of. Maybe someone with more experience can help you.
For all those goldfish you need at at least a 70 gallon tank and a 130 gallon filter.

Immediate water change.
Take a sample of your tank water to the lfs and ask them to write the readings down for you.

I would also consider rehoming some of the goldfish.

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