that’s me officially broken down my scape and starting something new. Was getting far too overgrown and becoming more n move heavily stocked as my cories bred. The cories and rasbora have now been moved to my big 50gal tank and are much happier. (The rasbora just used to stay in the same place and just looked miserable - now there’s swimming all over which is great)
So now it’s to time to come up with an idea for the tank! I’m happy with this new hardscape layout.
This tank is about 60L when full, but I’m tempted to leave it half full like this and add a lot of emmersed growth at the top. (Especially worried about the weight of it when full on my sideboard)
because of this I’m definitely thinking a small shoal of nano type fish/species only tank. Maybe even leave it as a cold water tank
What’s your favourite super small fish you think would look nice in this tank!