One may be gone...


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Well, yesterday, we went to my lps, which is turning into a lfs more and more, but we were just gettin hermit crabs. So, I obviously looked at their selectoin of bettas, they had really pretty ones, one with a pure white body, than violet fins and head, it was a delta too. So, now I'm lookin at the other fish, than this kid and his dad come in. The dad said: Ya know, if ya put to of these fish in the same tank, they'll fight. The kid said: I wanna do it! One of the fish was the pretty one I described eariler! So I had to do something, I directed them to the "Super Fighters", and while they were looking at those, I was beging my dad to buy me him, told him the whole story, he said, no. So they didn't like the "Super Fighters", came back, purchased that white fish, and then this blue and black one that looked way tougher. I tried my best, that's all I can say.
Awww, that's so terrible. I'd have given that kid's father a piece of my mind :angry:. Gee, violence and animal cruelty are great things to teach your kids.
That's just so wrong. When I originally got my tank I wanted a couple of bettas because they are so pretty. But then I read that you couldn't put them together because they fight, and I decided against it. I didn't have the heart to purchase one and keep it in the cup they come in for all their lives...People need to grow up. I can't believe he let his son get them just to watch them die :-(
ew. Why do I ever wonder how society has become so sh@tty? Obviously, it's parents like this!!

I've heard stupid kids saying that at pet stores, daring each other to put one into a cup with another. I was like "you know... thats animal abuse, and you can get charged for that." and they were like, "nu-uh, fish aren't animals!" :blink: they aren't mammals, but last time I checked, they aren't plants... and they DO have nerves and feelings.

I was reading this site with Betta spawning tips, and almost everything was good advice, except one part said if you have trouble spawning, put your male into another male's tank and let them fight.... sickos :sick:. I'm sure the Betta boy would spawn MUCH more readily when he's dead/dying!
i agree; that's disgusting behavior.

splashluff said:
I was reading this site with Betta spawning tips, and almost everything was good advice, except one part said if you have trouble spawning, put your male into another male's tank and let them fight.... sickos :sick:. I'm sure the Betta boy would spawn MUCH more readily when he's dead/dying!
that's a bit different though... from what i've heard, you don't let the two fight to the death or even the shred. you just let them blow up for a bit and make the potential daddy feel all big and bad when the "intruder" suddenly runs away. nothing gets the juices going like an inflated ego... :hey:

i'm sure there are far more informed authorities than me who can explain further why this is just a risky, not a reprehensible practice. (hint, hint, bkk)
I totally agree. What a jerk. I would have laid into that guy for teaching his son to be an asshole. That dad is a great example of why we have kids grow up to not respect nature or other people.

And I definately think that there is a LOT of people out there who really shouldn't ever breed *cough cough Pamela Anderson* --->(she is soooooo sad :no: ).
So wait....

You directed them away from the betta you, and instead diverted them over to another betta(s) to do this too? Are the "super fighters" (by which I assume you mean plakats) not worth as much as a pretty delta? :/

Why not just simply state "Why would you do that? Do you want to just try and kill them? That's like, so wrong." and then gave a little :( face at the kid.

No betta would have been harmed then..cas they kid would know the fish would get hurt..and most little kids get mighty upset when animals are hurt.
I know mine is 9 and he cried, just the other day, because I killed a catty-piller. One that I had inadvertantly stepped on :X ...and I went ahead and put it out of it's misery, since it wasn't dead yet. "but why'd you have to kill iiiiiiiiiit" :-( *sob* Then of course I had to explain why lol.
SRC said:
So wait....

You directed them away from the betta you, and instead diverted them over to another betta(s) to do this too? Are the "super fighters" (by which I assume you mean plakats) not worth as much as a pretty delta? :/

Why not just simply state "Why would you do that? Do you want to just try and kill them? That's like, so wrong." and then gave a little :( face at the kid.
Simply, the guy looked like he was in the WWE
you shouldn't be talkin, your not the one with so many stitches on your head you an't think right (specificly, 40)
splashluff said:
I was like "you know... thats animal abuse, and you can get charged for that." and they were like, "nu-uh, fish aren't animals!"  :blink:
The sad thing is that the kids were actually right on this one. As far as the law is concerned, fish aren't animals. In America they don't have any of the rights other animals do, so keeping them in inhumane conditions and fighting them to the death is completely legal. The postal service doesn't consider them animals either, because they aren't allowed to ship live animals, but fish and crustaceans are exceptions :p

Edit: SRC -- Kids only get upset about animals being hurt if they're raised to love animals... I know my next-door neighbor wasn't, and he would perform surgery on lizards and things without anesthesia as a kid... I remember when I was little we'd put unused fishing minnows in our cattle watering trough to use later, and one time he came over and demonstrated how you can drive a nail through the middle of a minnow and it will live for weeks afterwards :|

I can totally relate to your kid crying about the caterpillar though. When I was little I put salt on a slug once, then immediately felt bad and cried :lol:
I thought I read that the bettas don't fight to the death? One leaves the fight at a certain point? So they get their fins chewed up but don't die.

Some people live in a harsh world.

I am debating with a small army of male child care workers and residents about a poor choice in putting some 5" wild caught river fish in a 55 usg with an 11" frontosa and an 11" oscar. The pretty little things have bites all over. A couple have their noses bit off. :hyper:

I get answers like "just fish" "who cares" what's the dif if oscar kills it, or we eat it." Argh! I told them killing to eat was one thing; putting them in with oscar to be tortured was another. I thought someone should take them back where they let the boy catch them then decided that he couldn't have a second tank, thus requiring them to be momed in the oscar tank.

I set up a large 12" rock so they can have a place to flee to. I was willing to bring them home but they needed declorinated water to transport, a tank, and they are carnivores, eating minnows.
SRC said:
So wait....

You directed them away from the betta you, and instead diverted them over to another betta(s) to do this too? Are the "super fighters" (by which I assume you mean plakats) not worth as much as a pretty delta? :/
No, I am not saying the superfighters aren't as worth as much. I knew the "Super Fighters" looked pretty bad, almost dead, so I knew he wouldn't get them, then, I tried long and hard for my dad to get me it.

and btw, your not the ones that has 40 stiches in his (or her) head.
oppositearmor said:
Well, yesterday, we went to my lps, which is turning into a lfs more and more, but we were just gettin hermit crabs. So, I obviously looked at their selectoin of bettas, they had really pretty ones, one with a pure white body, than violet fins and head, it was a delta too. So, now I'm lookin at the other fish, than this kid and his dad come in. The dad said: Ya know, if ya put to of these fish in the same tank, they'll fight. The kid said: I wanna do it! One of the fish was the pretty one I described eariler! So I had to do something, I directed them to the "Super Fighters", and while they were looking at those, I was beging my dad to buy me him, told him the whole story, he said, no. So they didn't like the "Super Fighters", came back, purchased that white fish, and then this blue and black one that looked way tougher. I tried my best, that's all I can say.

That's so sad. :-( I find it really hypocritical when someone like that father says 'They're just fish! They're not smart enough to know what they're doing!' Hel-lo! Look what YOU'RE doing: teaching your son to find fun in putting animals through stress and pain!

I know there are certain people who do practise betta-fighting but that is in a carefully watched situation with knowledgable people, usually. This man sounds like he knows nothing about bettas and therefore shouldn't buy them as pets, let alone to fight.
I didn't get the last part. I missed something. Someone explain, please, about the 40 stitches.

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