One long thread of betta questions so I don't clutter the forum

Also: for plants, you need light. What kind of light would I need for anubias, java fern, and amazon sword? I'm assuming I'd need a tank light? This tank would be next to a lamp, but it isn't that bright.
Whoops, posted right as you answered some of those questions.
Plants need a certain amount of light to grow and live, and that light schedule needs to be pretty consistent which is where a timer comes in handy. Different plants need different amounts but if you make them happy they will help suck some of the bad stuff out of the water. I would check out some of kgtropicals betta videos, they used to own a pet store and Lisa breeds and sells bettas online and has made a bunch of videos about caring for them and treating diseases if you’re ever in a pinch :)
Like a day/night cycle?
I’m relatively new to plants myself so I’m not 100%sure but I have 5 tanks in my room with the light set to come on at 4pm and go off at midnight and it seems to work for me but every tank is different. They’re all different types of tank lights but I believe LED is cheaper to run than the tube lights Finding the right balance takes time
You have 2 threads going on the same subject, perhaps a Mod can combine them to keep your info all in one place.
I have merged them.

@black_cat Usually people do make Introduction posts but as that thread had replies more relevant to this thread, I merged them.
Amazon Swords will get huge - maybe too big for your 10 gallon tank. Anubias are really good for betta as they do well in low light and have big leaves - the bettas like to rest on them. Java Fern would also be good - low light and places for the fish to hide.

A 10 gallon for your betta is great. That's a lucky fish!

In terms of the colored gravel - don't do it. My daughter has the colored gravel and she loves it but after you start to see really beautiful natural tanks you'll probably want that and the colored (pink, blue, etc.) gravel starts to look really unnatural and gaudy.

Regarding aquarium kits, after having bought a few kits as well as a separate tank, filter, etc. I would MUCH prefer to get a solo tank then pick the heater and filter I prefer. You'll want a low-flow filter for your betta. You might not need a hang on back filter. A nano sponge filter in the tank might suffice - adjustable flow and very quiet. Invest in a good heater - a brand like Eheim or something reputable. I've read horror stories of people's fish getting cooked by faulty heaters. I wouldn't risk my fish's life to save a few bucks. Don't skimp here!
I have merged them.

@black_cat Usually people do make Introduction posts but as that thread had replies more relevant to this thread, I merged them.
Ah, ok, thank you! For some reason I've stopped getting notifications for both this thread and the other thread. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Amazon Swords will get huge - maybe too big for your 10 gallon tank.
I didn't know that, thank you!
Anubias are really good for betta as they do well in low light and have big leaves
Even if they're low light, I'd assume I'd still need some kind of tank lighting fixture and not just rely on a desk lamp?
the bettas like to rest on them.
I had been planning to get one of those suction cup fake leaves- do you think it would still like one of those?
Regarding aquarium kits, after having bought a few kits as well as a separate tank, filter, etc. I would MUCH prefer to get a solo tank then pick the heater and filter I prefer. You'll want a low-flow filter for your betta. You might not need a hang on back filter. A nano sponge filter in the tank might suffice - adjustable flow and very quiet.
The filter is where I've gotten the most conflicting information- a lot of my friends have recommended hang on back filters because of their easy accessibility and general quietness. I already have a tabletop fountain as well as a noise machine that plays rain noises in the same room (bedroom) as my fish tank would be, so I don't mind a louder filter if it's a watery noise or a quiet mechanical noise. Just not a super duper loud mechanical noise.
Invest in a good heater - a brand like Eheim or something reputable. I've read horror stories of people's fish getting cooked by faulty heaters. I wouldn't risk my fish's life to save a few bucks. Don't skimp here!
Oh no, that's horrible!! I'd definitely like to avoid that. There's an Eheim one available so I'll get that one. It has different wattage options- 50, 100, 150, 300. Which one do I want/need/should get?
Tank you (this was originally a typo but is now a bad pun) for all of your help!
I have a cat who would love to get his greedy little paws on a fish. I'm assuming I should go with a full lighting hood because it has pop out bits for cords and such, instead of a glass top?
Most of the glass ones come with a plastic spacer to fill in any gaps, you cut out the places for cords and the filter. As for HOB filters, I am very partial to the Aqua Clear series, as you can adjust the flow. They are pretty quiet and will last just about forever if you take care of them.
Most of the glass ones come with a plastic spacer to fill in any gaps, you cut out the places for cords and the filter. As for HOB filters, I am very partial to the Aqua Clear series, as you can adjust the flow. They are pretty quiet and will last just about forever if you take care of them.
Oh, I didn't realize that! I'm really glad, because they are much cheaper and look much better IMO. I know that 'filter media' is a thing- do the Aqua Clear ones use that? I've also been told that cartridges are a waste of money, and you can use other things instead. Is that true? what would you use?
Ohmygosh- Lights. Confusing!!!! I looked and they're like $250 for these big lighting fixtures for like 23949 gallon aquariums, and all the smaller ones have bad reviews. Should I look on amazon instead?
Ohmygosh- Lights. Confusing!!!! I looked and they're like $250 for these big lighting fixtures for like 23949 gallon aquariums, and all the smaller ones have bad reviews. Should I look on amazon instead?
How many watts of light do I need if I just want java fern, anubias, and maybe some marimo moss balls or java moss?
you don’t need any special lighting for those plants, I’ve kept them alive with some really low quality lights built into tank lids.

not sure how to link on here so I hope it worked

This lights up my 60l perfectly (16gallons?) so you might be able to find something similar in your country with some good reviews but you’d need a gap in the back of your lid to put it.
You need an adjustable heater, don't use ones sold as a betta heater, that you can't adjust. A betta needs a temperature close to 80° F and you want to make sure the heater can do that.

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