Thanks Minxfishy, I would love him if thats ok with you. PM me your adress and times suitable for you for me to collect. Saturday would be good for me.
Looks like you may have one of the sev's going to, my 4 year old has emptied his money box begging me to count his pennies to see if he has enough! aaawwwww
Great to meet you Mags and your little fella, I hope he feels better soon. VERY happy with our fish, such a shame we couldnt have the other serv too. The Serv couldnt wait to get into the new tank and jumped out of the bag while it was climatising!!!!!!. They seem to be settling in lovely and have already put the bully kissing gourami in her place I dont think they know what to make of the turtle though.
Anyone thinking about any of the fish Mags is selling I can say they are all in excellent condition and stunning. The collection of Daemons would be a fine addition to any tank.