One Eyed Cory ;(


Nov 14, 2005
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Berkshire, England
i got some new albino cories yesterday and noticed that 1 only had 1 eye, this was before i put him in my tank. Will he be ok? will he feed properly? or bump into things?.
Hi Flame :)

Poor little cory! :X

But if the wound is healed, and he appears healthy otherwise, you won't have to worry about him. Corys find their food by using their barbels so he doesn't really need the eye to get along, and the other corys won't pay it any mind either.

I have a one eyed cory that I found quite a long time ago in a cichlid tank at the lfs. He was the only cory in it and he seemed very happy to be out of there. :D
i think the wound is healed there is no blood or anything, it is skin coloured and just looks like a dip or socket where the eye should of been. Also there was a single ram in the tank i bought him from and about 20 cories, would the ram of hurt my little cory. I have no cichlids in my home tank though ;)
Hi Flame :)

Yes, I've heard about rams attacking the eyes of other fish and would never recommend them being kept with defenseless corys.

It sounds like you cory's eye has healed already, so it should be fine. :D

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