One-Eyed Catfish

They're siamese algae eaters though :S they said in the garden centre where I got them that they wouldn't grow very big but they didn't know specifically what they are other than algae eaters and they're only tiny atm! X
Ahh I think they're siamese algae eaters although they never told me when I got them!! His swimming doesn't seem to be affected by it. He's just hanging out with the other catfish quite happily :) ill keep my eye on him though just incase!! Thanks :) I've just given them a pea and he's the only one that seems to like it!! X

These are definatly not Siamese Algae Eater, even if it was your tank it way too small. A lot of people are fooled by CAE into thinking they are useful and cute but to be honest, these are the worst fish to keep, these turn into monsters when older

Ahh I think they're siamese algae eaters although they never told me when I got them!! His swimming doesn't seem to be affected by it. He's just hanging out with the other catfish quite happily :) ill keep my eye on him though just incase!! Thanks :) I've just given them a pea and he's the only one that seems to like it!! X

These are definatly not Siamese Algae Eater, even if it was your tank it way too small. A lot of people are fooled by CAE into thinking they are useful and cute but to be honest, these are the worst fish to keep, these turn into monsters when older
They're siamese algae eaters though :S they said in the garden centre where I got them that they wouldn't grow very big but they didn't know specifically what they are other than algae eaters and they're only tiny atm! X

One of the rules in fishkeeping is never listen to what fish shops have to say. I can assure you these are not Siamese Algae Eaters, these are Chinese Algae Eater and both species will get huge. For the moment, they may be ok but you will need to rehome them soon! :)
Oohhh dear :( looks like they're going to have to go!! Although I'm sort of convinced that they didn't do this now because the catfish eye doesn't look sore or like its a new injury and they've only been together for a few days. Sooo do fish shops take fish back?? Lol x

Either of these Lindsey?
Oohhh dear :( looks like they're going to have to go!! Although I'm sort of convinced that they didn't do this now because the catfish eye doesn't look sore or like its a new injury and they've only been together for a few days. Sooo do fish shops take fish back?? Lol x

The injury might have been caused by the CAE. The fish shop should take the fish back, if not, you can advertise on the forum and hope someone on here snaps them back. Remember, the fish shop were the ones who mislead you, giving you false information, you should be entitled to a full refund or an exchange unless the CAE was purchased more than around 2 weeks ago
They look probably more like the second link there but I swear when I got them they had a plain black stripe like the first link and so I thought siamese but now I've looked again they are definately looking like the chinese ones :S

Thanks ill take them back to the shop!! I feel bad on my other fish now, its like I may as well have gone out and bought a piranha to go in with them!! The algae eaters are starting to look VERY scary to me now haha!!

But thanks you have probably saved me from waking up one day and finding giant fish taken over my tank and all my other fish gone lol! X
A better alternative to the CAE is the Pitbull/Rubberlip Pleco wich you might want to look into? :) :X
A better alternative to the CAE is the Pitbull/Rubberlip Pleco wich you might want to look into? :) :X

Thanks :) although pitbull pleco sounds worse than CAE :p ill be having organised fish fights in my tank soon! Haha! Will look into it though thanks soooo much :) x although ill probs not be able to get hold of any anyway because all the fish places near me are rubbish!!x
A better alternative to the CAE is the Pitbull/Rubberlip Pleco wich you might want to look into? :) :X

Thanks :) although pitbull pleco sounds worse than CAE :p ill be having organised fish fights in my tank soon! Haha! Will look into it though thanks soooo much :) x although ill probs not be able to get hold of any anyway because all the fish places near me are rubbish!!x

Never mind.
Anyway, pitbull plecos are truely wonderful peacefull fish, they are nothing like Pitbulls Dogs! :lol:
Haha! Well that's good although the dogs aren't really that bad either! I'm going to take these fish back tomorrow and see what the shop say! Thankyouuu :) x
Good luck, most fish shops will give the most rubbish and pathetic excuses! :D
It looks exactly like my black neons eye .. i noticed it a few hours after i got him its probably and old wound and they can live good happy live like mine did untill my angel went on a massacre.. Rip mr.Gimpy fish =[

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