One-Eyed Catfish


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
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Widnes, Cheshire, England
hi! I got some bronze catfish the other day and ive noticed that one of them only seems to have either 1 eye or 1 and a half eyes! Cant quite tell if there is a very tiny bit of what could be an eye on his right thats why I said maybe 1 and a half!!

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this with any of their fish?? He seems healthy and happy enough so I dont think hes ill, just a bit dodgy :)

this is a picture of his dodgy eye, the eye on his left is the same as the fish in the backgrounds so you can really see the difference! x


  • xz.jpg
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There was a large tiger shovel nose in my lfs, who had one eye the other one just had the skin grown over it! Didn't affect the fish too much unless you sneak up on it! LOL :shifty:

It wont do any harm and should live a normal life!
hi, fish quite often target the eyes of corys when they attack them. what else is in the tank? :good:
ooh :S hes with 3 other catfish, mainly the rest are tetras and guppys and algae eaters. I havent seen any of them bullying him though. Do you think any of them would do? I also have 3 fish that I dont know exactly what they are, they are the biggest fish in the tank.

Ill upload a pic of them maybe you will know what they are?

ooh :S hes with 3 other catfish, mainly the rest are tetras and guppys and algae eaters. I havent seen any of them bullying him though. Do you think any of them would do? I also have 3 fish that I dont know exactly what they are, they are the biggest fish in the tank.

Ill upload a pic of them maybe you will know what they are?

forgot to say they are the fish with the large fins that are black with a tiny bit of white at the top and a red one underneath x


  • bigfish.bmp
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note for the squimish look away

Usually from my experience, when a fish has had its eye removed by another fish you will see the wound is fresh, you will see little bits of flesh hanging from the eye socket and in the event of my old gourami an air bubble. They will seem stressed and will only swim in one direction until they adjust to not having the eye there anymore!

From the picture I would say that is an old wound but the picture is not clear. Just keep the water clean and within spec and it will heal over fine. Is it feeding ok? What about interaction with the other cories?
Ewww! He's fine with the other fish and he's eating normally. Spends all day routing through the stones like the others seem to! He just looks a little odd, I was watching him before and the eye does seem like it maybe has an eyelid even but soo small to see properly really, like it could be an eyesocket without the eyeball so yeah maybe an injury but there are no signs of any wounds at all! He's only really young aswell! I bet he will be one of those fish that live forever! Haha thanks though! X
Id watch the Algae Eater if I was you, once they are bigger, they can be bullies! :shout:
Also , the tank may be too small to house CAE, what size is it?
I have a Black Phantom Tetra with only one eye. Seems to affect his swimming angle, but he eats fine & has coped for a good 3 months now.

Ahh I think they're siamese algae eaters although they never told me when I got them!! His swimming doesn't seem to be affected by it. He's just hanging out with the other catfish quite happily :) ill keep my eye on him though just incase!! Thanks :) I've just given them a pea and he's the only one that seems to like it!! X
Sorry if this is stupid but what's CAE?? :S its 50litre tank x
Chinese Algae Eater.
First of all, these grow upto 30cm which is massive, these should be kept in a 240litre+ tank. You should return or sell it. Also when older, they may suck onto other fish and harm them . They are best kept with aggresive fish

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