One cheesed off Snakehead :(

Weeesh! Loadsamoney. Mind you I probably spend that much if I tot up all my tanks. :nod:
yeah can be expensive, thats just one fish, I have a load more oddballs, Id say each week I get through a blisterpack of bloodworm, 3 blister packs of lancefish, 3 whole cod fillets and half a cucumber but hey I dont smoke so thats where all my money goes too lol
As everyone knows, we're oddballers as well and our fishfood bill keeps on going up & up too!

Martha Fahaka gets through a about a kilogram of cooked in the shell prawns each week, then there's lancefish for Julian Bichir, peeled prawns, mussels & cockles for Cookie Fahaka & the other puffers, then about £10 worth of assorted live foods for everyone.
Then of course there's courgette and/or cucumber for the plecs & loaches.

On top of all that, there's conventional processed fish foods like flake, algae wafers & sinking pellets.

I reckon we spend around £20 a week just on fish food. :blink:

No wonder I live on Tesco 'Value' lasagne! :drool:
:lol: wow you guys spend alot of $$ Mine to cost to to much but i feed them shrimp like once a week and blood worms annd pellets which are really cheap
That's what I'm setting up as tanks for some of my larger fish, I seriously would consider it.

EDIT: Though, I would try any farm supply stores around you before ordering from them... I can get the precise "stock tank" locally for $150.
Whoa now thats cool but to be honest I have other plans.

My garage is 8 foot wide so Im going to brick up one end of the garage to the height of 4 foot and make a square area of 8 foot by approx 5 foot by 4 foot high and then get some good pond lining and fill her up and viola a nice cheap big tank :)

still plenty of time yet though.

Apparently my snakehead was poisoned by my L Pictus catfish so has been ill for last week but I gave it some more feeder fish last night and he actually had 1 or 2 so thats a good sign.

thanks again

T :)
Woohooo, can't wait until my fish get bigger and demanding that ammount of food.

I'm already going thourgh 10 bags of live food a week, i should substitute for froozen more (that means going downstairs though :rolleyes: )

Technium you can buy big bags of froozen lance fish, we get them in at my work cost about £8 to customers and have like 10-20 times the ammount a blister pack has. Pretty sure the make is Ruto (same as the other stuff we get)
Wow, now i know why so many of those damned fish came back to my lfs!

They sound vicious, to be honest ive been thinking of getting a large predator and a snakehead was on the list, now i think its time i reconsider this! I'll stick to gar fish!

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