Once again, Ich

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Funny Pie

Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
So, I started adding Ich medicine monday, after about 3 days the spots were gone. But, I continued to add the Ich medicine untill yesterday, saturday. I waited 24 hours after the last dose ( so today) and then I firgured itd be all good. So I test my water conditions are they're pretty bad compared to what they used to do. I did an imidiate water change and then put my bio bag back into the whipser filter( since the medicine told me to remove it) Now I look at my fish after the water change and bam, 3 tetras have at least one dot on them again.... theres no way that im going to remove the bio bag and do this for a week and stress myself out with the water conditions again. Is there anyway i can cure Ich without removing my charcoal and not killing my neon tetras?
i recently had an outbreak of ich on my clown loaches.
i went through the same **** you have of removing carbon media etc etc!!
through reading one of the many "bibles" that Dr. Herbert Axelrod has published, he has suggested raising the water temp to over 80F, and adding some salt.
Apparently the higher temp causes the Ich bacterias'cycle to speed up, and once they are free swimming (off the fishes bodies) salt can in some cases if not hamper the bacteria kill them altogether.
I was not willing to test this method, as i used the medicine combined with higher temps, then finally quarantined my clownies.
Again not a recommended method!
ExaTekk said:
i recently had an outbreak of ich on my clown loaches.
i went through the same **** you have of removing carbon media etc etc!!
through reading one of the many "bibles" that Dr. Herbert Axelrod has published, he has suggested raising the water temp to over 80F, and adding some salt.
Apparently the higher temp causes the Ich bacterias'cycle to speed up, and once they are free swimming (off the fishes bodies) salt can in some cases if not hamper the bacteria kill them altogether.
I was not willing to test this method, as i used the medicine combined with higher temps, then finally quarantined my clownies.
Again not a recommended method!

Only bad thing about removing my media is that i have to remove the whole bio bag which screws my tank up and makes the levels go crazy
I have had ich once and what I have done is. I rased the temp to 85 dig and added 430g of agarium salt (you don't need to add that much). The salt kills the ich and the temp speeds up the life cycle. I don't like useing chemicals unless i realy have to. I have not had ich back since.
Here is what I would suggest. Just remove the carbon from your Biobag. Slit the side open & rinse all of the carbon out in used tank water. Then put your Biobag back in. The good bacteria lives in the Biobag not the carbon. If it has been out for over a week I can almost guarantee that all of the good bacteria has died. You may want to start with a clean Biobag minus the carbon.

Slowly raise your tank temperature to between 82 and 84 degrees over the next day or so. Add an airstone or increase the aeration by dropping the water level some. The agitation from the filter will create extra oxygen. You may also want to try keeping the tank darkened a little more thasn usual. This will help keep the fish calm.

What other fish are in your tank besides the Tetra's? Since the tetra's are sensitive fish & you are only supposed to half dose them the medication may not have had time to kill all of the Ich cysts. I am not sure about Tetra's salt tolerability.

What are your water stats now for ammonia, nitrites & nitrates?

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