On The Hunt


New Member
Aug 20, 2008
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hi there im looking for a few different kinds of plecs but do not seem to be able to get them anywhere in fact some suppliers of fish shops have actually laughed when ive asked about them, im looking for a royal green pleco, a golden pleco,zebra plec, to name but a few can anyone help? and does anyone know how much they would cost?
hi there im looking for a few different kinds of plecs but do not seem to be able to get them anywhere in fact some suppliers of fish shops have actually laughed when ive asked about them, im looking for a royal green pleco, a golden pleco,zebra plec, to name but a few can anyone help? and does anyone know how much they would cost?

Iv looked at the zebra places myself when I first started but now the tanks not suitable. Some of the zebra placs I noticed could be anything from 150 to 250 each! Mind I did notice some on eBay but they were around 80 each but when I spoke to a LFS they said they could get them but would be £250 is give or take.

I'll try and fi d the site I did find an online store which was selling them I'll try and find it for ya!

The link above is to the store that sells the zebra pleco but you need to enquire about the price. The store i asked was in Durham different company. Have a look in the L numbers on the link!
Pier in Wigan often have baby zebras I've seen them as low as £75 each there. You can get better plecs for less in my opinion, L200,L114 etc and will cost you less than them. Royal Plecs are ace especially as they grow into alien looking fish with that long head of theirs!!

Plecs are definately getting harder to obtain though which is a shame but a sign of the times, I've always had a big interest in them. I;ve just bought 6 baby Royal Sturisoma. They temd to go cheaply on sales sites I got mine £3 each have a look at them :good:

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