
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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Veiltails don't fight correctly and 9 times out of 10 they will kill each other, or 1 of the 2 will end up dying eventually. Just a couple of weeks ago I had the misfortune of being @ a wedding where the table decor (Bettas) had been dumped together. Little Simon had half his head ripped off, his dorsal ripped off and several hunks of skin taken off his body. Oh, and the rest of his fins were pretty sparse too. Not only do they know 'how' to fight, their bodies don't know how to recover from a fight very well.

I would have most likely been arrested in that store, or escorted out. I would have made such a ruckus that every person in that store would have known that the store was knowingly selling fish to be mutilated and killed. I don't normally like to make a scene in a store because that right off doesn't generally get you too far, but when push comes to shove and if the fish get out the door and they'll be dead, I'd have raised some holy hell.

BY THE WAY.........
what store did this happen to be, and where was it?
LOL, I wouldn't dare put any of my bettas together :lol: . Mine are pretty mean. Well, apart from the new white guy they are....
my females would kill male is blind the other is a sweety so i wouldent have problems w/ the males..i wish gus was around id be able to put him w/ anything he was so sweet
I don't even flare my little Jerry anymore! I used to use a hand mirror, but he got so worked up. It took him about ten minutes to calm down and swim normally. I have to be careful: if anything 'suss' goes near his tank he flares like mad. My family lovingly refer to him as The Agro Fishy. :rolleyes:

yeah they were feeder....i gotta check what kinda cichlid it was..ok it as a covict cichlid

CONVICT!?! Those things are about the most psycho, agressive, maniacal, violent fish I've ever seen. They have Cons at my LFS in a 110g 'mixed cichlid tank' and the severums and whatnot are scared out of their scales of the little buggers.

How big were the feeder goldies? A con might kill them, but it would be hard put to eat a whole feeder. :/ Poor things... the goldies will most likely die a slow painful death, 'cause the little convicts will attack them repeatedly until they die. :-(

With, say, an oscar, the goldfish is dead and eaten within a few seconds, but since convicts are way smaller, they'll bully the feeder goldy.

i dont know why you guys cant keep male betta together without them fighting. ive keep them in the same tank when i was little. they never even flared up once
Dorkhedeos said:
i dont know why you guys cant keep male betta together without them fighting. ive keep them in the same tank when i was little. they never even flared up once
CONVICT!?! Those things are about the most psycho, agressive, maniacal, violent fish I've ever seen.

you oviously havent seen alot of fish :D

and they only get super aggresive when they are in a pair, breeding.

Dorkhedeos said:
i dont know why you guys cant keep male betta together without them fighting. ive keep them in the same tank when i was little. they never even flared up once
You were lucky is all I can say... either that or your memory of childhood is a little foggy ;)

When I first got Yura he was in the divided tank... but he jumped the divider, and when I got home one day, I found him in the same section as Adoniel. Normally Yura is flarecrazy and Adoniel doesn't even notice other bettas, but Yura was the one with a ripped fin and Adoniel had not a scratch on him *lol*
They weren't bothering one-another when I got home, and my guess is that Yura got his anal fin ripped then decided to retreat and Adoniel didn't press the issue. Anyway, neither were injured worth mentioning and they're both perfectly fine. Yura has his own bowl right beside my computer now, and as I type this, is flaring at my coke can :lol:
Yeah - it's very unlikely that you would ever be able to keep 2 males together.... very. So if you did it was either a major fluke of nature, or you didn't really have 2 male bettas in there together.

50000 - what store was it?!??
lilfishie, are you sure your posting in the correct topic?

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