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semper fi said:
i find it rather sad that people here are too busy bashing him and questioning everything he says to help him out. give the kid a break, maybe he is trying to make up for past mistakes.
I assume this is pointed at me and I find it rather ironic I did point out that he overdosed the fish to prevent future mistakes, and yet when the thread went away from betta lova and onto betta max, serveral people would say lay off of him when he wasnt even the topic. I thought you had to be 13 to accept the terms of agreement on the forums.
wrs said:
yes he is 11, but he needs to learn somethings, and it seems like he doesnt want to. people tell him things and he does kinda get mad thinking what he does is right and everyone else is wrong.

I just think that he needs to listen more, so that he wont be a pain and eventually people will forget about everything and like him.
True, but people are kinda harsh with him - he's just a kid! You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar!
True, but people are kinda harsh with him - he's just a kid! You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar!

well maybe he needs to learn the hard way. There are people that are going to be harsher in the real world than people here. Even at 11. Teachers, parents, peers at school.

he should just take what everyone says with a grain of salt, or something like that. lol.
The only thing I don't agree with is that he never took any information from members, just thought he was doing everything the right way and knew everything about bettas. When he posts something like this, and people tell him that he hurt more then did good, they explode. I am being extremely implosive on his topics so far, but I fear that trolling never fails.
Yes, but I am an overall implosive person. Sometimes I just explode, but this online contraversy is nothing to me.
no rollntider it was not directed at anyone in particular. beleive me, i have had my fair share of rounds with betta lova. i found him annoying and a royal pain in the buttocks! i also found, after taking the time, that he is very willing to learn.
I thought you had to be 13 to accept the terms of agreement on the forums.

That's for US residents only,I believe. I'll find out about that because it's good to know anyway.

This is really old people... "Leave him alone"..."We've formed a posse against him", it's apparent that you guys are feeding the kid everything he wants,which seems to be a little acknowledgement,be it good or bad. There is a reason I haven't read this post,because this kind of stuff is just...uggh. But as a mod I felt it my duty to glance over and check it for swearing, and this is what I find.Thankfully everyone has obliged to the no swearing rule, but let's not attack eachother either. Constructive criticism works the best.

rolln~ I totally see your point about the medicating,but don't beat a dead horse.

GP has moved past the whole outbidding situation, so now we all have to.
semper fi said:
no rollntider it was not directed at anyone in particular. beleive me, i have had my fair share of rounds with betta lova. i found him annoying and a royal pain in the buttocks! i also found, after taking the time, that he is very willing to learn.
thats cool , and I was trying to point out about how he handled it wrong and I was wrong in some of my presentation, but people started slamming and I started slamming back. I will try to stay away from his posts, because I feel that would be best. Thanks
I just say we have his posts monitored from now on. If he is indeed trying to troll, then just delete his posts the first time an argument starts. I don't want you guys using that conflict when he tried to snipe my bid. I won, it's over, I had to spend 5 more dollars, wowee.

If his stories are indeed true, then fine. We shouldn't throw bashes at him because he "tried" to do something right. Betta_lova, you can sumarize most of your posts with a simple phrase, "do your research, whether it be breeding or trying to save bettas." "Do your research."
Here you guys go, again, bashing and stalking betta_lova. Unbelievable! Some of you dont' get that he's just a child... what's scarier is some of you are obviously stalking out his posts and only come in here to BASH him. You guys spent multiple pages talking about his lies in past topics and things totally irrelevant to the current topic.

Betta_lova did nothing wrong here, but you guys still insist on criticizing the poor kid.

Get off the kids back and if you "always ignore his posts" than there really is no reason for you to be in this topic, is there???
Cali said:
Here you guys go, again, bashing and stalking betta_lova. Unbelievable! Some of you dont' get that he's just a child... what's scarier is some of you are obviously stalking out his posts and only come in here to BASH him. You guys spent multiple pages talking about his lies in past topics and things totally irrelevant to the current topic.

Betta_lova did nothing wrong here, but you guys still insist on criticizing the poor kid.

Get off the kids back and if you "always ignore his posts" than there really is no reason for you to be in this topic, is there???
look the thread is over.
It appears you want to start this up again. Thanks


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