

Fish Addict
Mar 25, 2011
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Well just looking through the internet for ways to clean snails and i come across a lovely link :no:
That's just wrong.

I'm sorry but if you have too many snails in your tank then it's your own fault & it's no excuse to kill them. Advertise them to see if you can get them a new home, I for one would take them off your hands.
There pest snails lol Ill send them all in the post your welcome to them.

But im actually on aboutthe fact that they are selling clown loach for getting rid of snails. People who dont have a clue about fish will end up buying these just to get rid of the snails. And you seen how big clown loach grow.
Dont have any problem with them eating snails etc, im not a vege and even flake food contains a dead animal, its not really any different. Its the size of clown loaches though that's the problem, 2 inches it says there but they grow massive...
Exactly that my point. some one with no experiences gets snails does a little Google clicks the link, ends up with 2 Bengal laoches 2 clown loaches in probably a 50l tank or something.
Too bad there isn't a dislike option on that order page! Those 8 people who "liked" it hopefully have a 120 gallon (aprox. 450 litre) tank! :blink:
We could moan about these things every day of the week. What's the point if you aren't going to do anything? Actions speak louder than words.
It's also the way it's listed, snail eating cleaner pack, as though it's something that arrives in one of those see through plastic packaging that takes you for ever to hack into because it's been moulded together with the finest plastic you can buy yet there fish, beautiful looking fish with great personalities but just being labelled as a cleaner pack. Unaware people will continue to buy not knowing what there buying which will no doubt keep them listing this.
flippin nora!! thats mental
It's called personal responsibility. Those fish are actually good snail eaters, so if i had a six foot tank and a snail problem, that's really not a bad price for a couple of those 'packs'. People have a responsibility to find out the appropriate care needs for whatever creature they buy, and everyone has access to this information online - there is no excuse. It's a shame for the fish who are bought by people who don't take a few minutes to check, of course, I don't dispute that - I got pretty irate listening to a woman go wanted two small orandas for her 17 litre tank the other day, but there wasnt a lot I could do about it so I just moved away.

It doesn't say on that site 'these grow huge, you need a tank X size', but nor does it say 'you can keep these in a little hex on the kitchen side' either. It's the buyer's responsibility to find out.

Even a certain chain that everyone slams on here has a sign above the clown loach tank listing the size they can reach. Same with the plecs, the sharks, even the goldfish. It's there, in black and white, next to the price. Personal responsibility of the buyer to read the information given to them. They don't even have to go away and research.

Business is tough these days, the morals and ethics of keeping clown loaches don't pay the bills.

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