Fish Addict
I am currently cycling my 60 gal, with not much luck. This would be week 5 now, doing water changes every 2nd or 3rd day to keep my Pl*co from being poisoned. I thought I was finnaly getting somewhere after I added gravel from my other tank. My test results one week after adding the gravel were ammonia 0, NitrIte .25, this was last weekend. My readings this weekend are ammonia 0 NitrIte .25. I seem to be stuck in the last phase of the cycle. Is my bioload too small with only one Pl*co in there? I am running out of ideas here. Could my test kit be faulty? When I do the test the results seem to be good but as it sits for a few minutes the nitrIte keeps getting darker. Is the accurate reading the instant one or the later one. Arrrg. Sorry for the novel, any help would be hugely appreciated.