OMG! Worms!

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Fish Fanatic
Nov 7, 2003
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Southern USA
Alright in my 10 gallon guppy tank where i just bought a few guppies and then they died a week later. Also killing one of my healthy adult guppies. I saw many of the guppies itching against the rocks and thought it was ich so i treated with high temperture and lights off but did no good.

Now i'm noticing these small transperent worms crawling on the glass by the breeder trap with my newborns. Its quiet scary! I looked it up and found out that they are flatworms or roundworms, sounds more like roundworms.

It says to get rid of these worms that i shouldn't feed the guppies for the next few days and that these worms reproduce with extra food laying around or nutrients. Well i have the newborns in a 1 gallon floating in the 10 gallon but i have to keep feeding them or they will die. The rest of the guppies i'm sure will be okay but what about the newborns? If i keep feeding them will the worms just get worse?

Now i have been feeding the guppies but they haven't been eating it all and it has been laying around a little bit. Lately i have had the newborns in the tank where i'm feeding them live brine shrimp several times a day. I feed the adults flake food twice a day and also some daphnia once a day.

Breakfast - flake food
Lunch - daphnia
Dinner - flake food.

Anyway i just got done doing a water change and don't know what else to do. I haven't noticed any other symtoms on the fish except that they are itching against rocks. no specks no velvet no nothing but these scary worms on the glass.

Before i did the water change i checked the water params and everything is fine. THe nitrates were 10ppm. I figure one of the new fish brought in the disease, so what do i do now? I heard about clout, will that treat what i got? I had to touch the water to clean it, am i going to be okay?
The worms are probably planaria and they wont harm the fish. Stop feeding the adult fish so much. Once every 2 days for the next week. it sounds like the worms are in the adult tank...right? In the baby tank if there is unused food then take a piece of airline tubing and syphon it out. Doing these things should take the source of food from the worms and they will die off. Also the adults may get hungry enough and help you out by eating a few. Keep us posted. :)
Thank you so much for your reply!! Yeah it was in the adult tank but it was against the glass right where the baby breeder trap was at but i had been doing daily water changes on that breeder trap and every time i did there was a baby dead because i had premature fry.

Anyway maybe the fry being dead in that little trap for so long? I have to work for 8 hours so as soon as i got home i been doing daliy water changes so i don't know anything else i could have done.

What do i do if any of the worms start to develop in the fry tank? I can't starve the fry because they were just born the other day. I'm glad you said that though, i was about to run out and buy any chemical i could only thing that was stopping me was the fry.
If that happens then you have 2 choices leave them alone or pick them out :p . You might even be surpised and see the little ones go after it. Baby gups are quite brave and fearless and will try to eat anything that they think is food. Good luck :)
Well my fish are slowly dying to whatever is making them scratch, itch and flash so i got some coppersafe and added it to the tank yesterday. Not much results yet, anyone know much about that product? It says it won't hurt my bio system and lasts for 1 month if i don't do a watch change but of course i'm going to do a water change in about a week or so.

Does anyone know if this stuff will hurt the guppy fry i have? I saw a few scratching a little and i figure might as well try it because if i don't they will die anyway to the parasite.

I did try the raising the temp, adding salt and turning the light off for a couple a day about a week ago, didn't work at all like usual on ich. But i dont think i got ich this time, i think i got some kind of a worm or parasite (other than ich).

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