OMG...u know how ppl say u cant touch fish...

Touching them will also remove the slime coat from the fish and that leaves them prone to sicknesses.

Not if your hands are clean and wet. I don't know how clean your hands have to be but as long as your hands are wet it wont hurt the fish. I handle fish a lot, ones other then in my aquarium, and it doesn't hurt them.
Sometimes I hand feed my African Clawed Frogs, but mostly I toss their pellets in one at a time and watch then jump to catch them (underwater, of course). :p

They are so smooth, like touching a piece of satin, but when they jump out of the tank, picking them up feels like picking up a piece of jello. I just scoot them into a net for the trip back into the tank. :D
I think it's just paranoia about soap and touching your fish :lol: . I don't think it harms them a bit. I wash my hands 700 times during a water change, for example after I clean out filters etc and I'm sure that miniscule traces of soap and such are on them or trapped under my rings, I've never had a problem.

A friend of mine works at my lfs and she's anti-soap. Never washes her hands in between tanks because she's so paranoid of soap affecting the salties :rolleyes: . I see it the opposite way and I've tried to convince her that it's no big deal and not washing your hands is the best way to transfer diseases from tank to tank. To each their own.
hmm...for sum it just SOME kind of fish dat let's u touch em? only my platties neons swim for cova!!!:LOL..even when i'm like half a tank from them :rolleyes:
I hand feed my clown loaches, and angelfish and swordtail and ghost ray. I don't bother touching them though. But sometimes when the clowns are hyperactive, they fully come to the top and they feel quite slimy like, well, its quite unique actually. If you've felt them, you'll know what I mean. My ghost knife is the same. My sharks have sharp spikes so I wouldn't touch them. :look:
but nothing compares to peeling/scraping/scooping a wet betta off the counter when they jump during a water change

OMG wuv that reminded me of not too long ago when I was changing a betta tank,my little betta flipped out of the net,landed in the sink,and to my horror slid down the drain!! :crazy:

So I freaked out really bad and I don't know how I did it,but I ripped open the cabinet and took the pipes apart with my bare hands and he was sitting in the U trap like 'Get me the hell out of here,woman!' Whew,after I got him out putting the pipes back together I was all thumbs. LOL

Sometimes I hand feed my African Clawed Frogs, but mostly I toss their pellets in one at a time and watch then jump to catch them (underwater, of course).

They are so smooth, like touching a piece of satin, but when they jump out of the tank, picking them up feels like picking up a piece of jello. I just scoot them into a net for the trip back into the tank.

I hand feed Truman all the time because he's kind of slow or can't see very well I don't know..If I don't point to or hold the food he won't see it and eat it unless it touches his face. He likes to associate my finger with a nice juicy worm now,and 9 out of ten times he bites on to the tip of my finger trying like all heck to pull it down his throat and I have to physically remove him. :rofl: It doesn't hurt of course,but he has one strong mouth!

Actually Inchworm I think jello is easier to pick up! :lol: They remind me of hyper little bars of soap with 4 legs. :lol:
My red hooks always rub against my hands when I'm cleaning the tank. I hope it's not harmful to them. My hands are clean and soap free! I love it when they do this! :D
i hand feed my shubkins and pet them while there eating, they dont seem to mind.
its weird though cos my comet that ive had longer is scared of my fingers i dont know y though
Any one pet kois? adult ones? they are so neiboutr's pond..and he let's they sumtines stick their heads up out of da it normal?
all these guys dont like touching their fish


im afraid to touch my clown knife i like my fingers ON MY HAND :thumbs:

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