Omg They Are At It Again! Lol


Fish Herder
Apr 12, 2009
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After my peppered cory's spawned yesterday I decided to do a quick water change & replant this morning as it was a bit of a mess from me getting all the eggs out.

Walked into the lounge 5 mins ago & there were eggs on the glass, took those 4 off, went back & there were three more, its definately a different female to yesterday, but the same male (he must be exhausted lol)

So far, just the 7, wonder what I will end up with today? Better get off to the LFS for more gang valves for the airpump I think!
Thanks guys, just the 10 eggs saved, managed to drop about 5 in the tank though :grr:

I have to try to buy another male I think, three females were chasing him yesterday & bless him, he just didnt have the energy to carry on. I think he is the only male out of the group of 7 I have.
lol bless him, he has slept all day today :lol: my little fella, think I might have to name him Cassanova
Well, lots of my little wrigglers hatched on Sunday/Monday, I only ended up with about 12 from both lots of eggs, which was totally my fault as I didnt realise my airline was not working & one of the pots I lost to fungus.

Was feeling a bit blue about it last night as I sat watching the tank, but I noticed my little cassanova was romancing all of the ladies, he is such a tart, he goes from one to another & just sits on their heads lol,so went to bed hopeful of a few eggs today.

I woke up this morning to lots more eggs, probably about 30-40 but by the time I had changed the babies nappy & got him a bottle, I was down to just 10 :sad: the blooming guppies had woken with the mega munchies & decided cory eggs were just the thing for breakfast, grrrrr!

I got the remaining 10 out quickly & have those over an airstone, fingers crossed most hatch this time.

I have also now moved the naughty guppies out into my large tank, I tend to grow out the fry with the cory's but from now on I will have to remember to remove the larger ones when they are big enough to much the eggs.

I've also noticed some spawning behavoir from my Sodalis Corydora, I would love it if these would spawn as well.
congrats :)

Good luck with your fry :good: and fingers crossed for your sodalis cories will spawn soon :)

I hoping my skunks might start something,but i think they prefer temp of 22 degrees to trigger them into spawning. :rolleyes:
thank you. I got another 6 yesterday & about 20 more today. My little male is feeling a bit romantic & is flitting around the tank sitting on the heads of every female lol.

Hope to have more success with hatching these this time.

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