The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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the fish is dying from shock. it looks like it has been attacked on more than one occassion.
i tried to help you before but you take no notice and go and buy more fish for an already unsuitable overstocked tank.
you are shouting for help about the tank having high ammonia levels which isnt surprising considering what you have and now you are wondering why your fish is dying.
sell all your fish and start again. come back here when you have taken them back to your lfs and told him he knows nothing about fish and their requirements and find yourself a decent store.
use google to research the fish that will live happily together and then come back and ask sensible questions to which you will listen to the answers you get.
people are now getting tired of your posts because you will not listen to anyone and you seem to enjoy inflicting all this damage to your fish, then come squeeling here looking for answers. you might disagree with that but anyone who loves there fish would have listened and found the solution in your first post.
you are now acting more like a troll and until you do something about the situation you are in then you wont get much sympathy here.
i just feel sorry for those poor fish.

are you in the uk? coronation street just now has a storyline about koi. a line from that sums up how your fish must be feeling.

*if you have gills, no one can hear you scream.*

im sure if your fish could talk then they would be screaming too.

please rehome your fish asap, and get some tetras.
I've been watching it to, like i always do, nice to see a fish storyline helping educate people about fish.
ok guys LISTEN JUST THIS ONE tIME PLZZZZZZZZZ i know i will have to eventually get a bigger tank....but THAT IS NOT THE PROBLEM NOw.... my id shark this morning was laying on his back......all pale and stuff.....i took him put him in another bucket i put some medication....but he layed there not moving for like 5 hours...i know you guys are trying to help me....and i know i have a lot of fish ....BUT NOW all you guys are telling me is just making me feel worse.....NOW ALL I WANNA DO I SAVE MY FISH.....i called the store....i cant bring them back.....all i wanted to know in the first place was what caused my id shark to paralise like that.....i personnaly think it was the headstander that picked on him all night...but whatever....i posted the pic of him before......but now ALL i wanna know is it ich ???? should i put some ich drops in there ? on the other hand these drops are not good for my 2 baby whales....please help always doing water changes.....etc etc..... please help me ....just stop blasting me like this....if you guys were stuck in a bad certainly wouldnt pick on you PLEASEEEEEEEEE !!!!!!!!
Is it still alive, Benny?

So the headstander is the aggressor, now?

Who is in which tank?

And you are still avoiding answering questions, just demanding immediate answers.

The reason for the "paralysis" is brutally simple, it is as good as dead. This could be caused by any number, or multiple thereof, of contributing factors that have previously been discussed.

Poor water quality

Maybe it has Ich, maybe it doesn't. Have you researched the illness? Is it showing any symptoms?

Don't medicate your tank until you have a positive diagnosis or the next thread will be "Ich Meds Killed My Blue Whale Fish, How Can I Save The Rest?"
believe it or not we are trying to help YOU. you need to buy bigger tanks NOW, not in a month or 6 months time. you need to read the links tokis gave you about your fish.
i told you that your fish is in shock from being attacked, and it doesnt matter which fish did it because they will all end up killing each other. your harmless fish will go first and then the aggressive ones that are left will tear each other apart.
if you dont go out and buy bigger tanks then you arent doing the fish any favours and people will stop trying to help unless you do this.
why cant you take them to another store?
theres a buy and sell board at the bottom, you could have tried to give them away there but it seems you just want to hang on to them.
the fish doesnt have ich, its dying from shock and probably ammonia poisoning too.
its not us that needs to listen, its you.
quite frankly, i think that the best solution for your Irridescent Shark is to euthanize him. he's terribly injured and infected. you are in no position to properly house him or treat him. you can neither make him better nor can you get rid of him. instead of condemning this fish to a slow and agonizing death, you should stop his agony and put him down.

i find several drops of clove oil to be an efficient method. its akin to putting a dog to sleep.
ok its dead now.......1st tank 30 gal ....had it for 2 1-2 week
1idshark 1 bala 1 window sucker 2 baby whales

in the other one which is a 15 i got my piranha...with 2 baby convics
1 black shark and 1 headstander...(he s the one that killed my id)

im constantly doing water changes
keeping the same temp 25 degrees celsius
any thing else ???????
:-( You killed your fish

You're not listening to us. You have to get a larger tank. You have too many in one tank which is causing stress, and when the fish is stressed it is more likely to catch sickness. -_-

For the Love of God and all that is good, get a larger tank. (That is how you'll solve your problem) -_-
its not grains ....its like really really thin white goo ...
so now even a 30 gal isnt enough for my 4 fish ????what the hell
i called 4 different petstores and they all told me that for at least a year its good i only have 1 bala 1id shark 2 baby whales in there
Ok, the white stuff you are seeing is called Columnaris, which is a bacterial infection. It is highly contagious, and also very deadly. You need to turn the temperature DOWN in your tank. I'm still not clear on which of your two tanks has columnaris in it right now. Depending on the fish that are in the tank, you can add some aquarium salt, which will hlep the fish feel better.

Check out this link for more information.

As for the tank size thing, the answer to this question is not going to change. Think of all the problems you are having now, your ammonia is off the charts and you are having a hard time controlling it even with daily water changes. You have AGRESSIVE and TERRITORIAL fish that grow to be HUGE. They each need their own space and room to grow. Imagine putting two male bear cubs in your backyard. They might look ok the first few days, but once they mature, you are going to have problems with fighting over territory and the lack of space. When you get a bigger tank, your fishkeeping headaches will be reduced.
In case you missed it before, here are the grown sizes of yoru fish, and the size of a tank they will need.

Tokis-Phoenix said:
Wake up benny!!! I know i for one have told you your fish will keep dying until the moment you rehome them or get them a bigger tank ! It is pointless trying to help you out with your current situation until you start making big changes, like giving them the size tanks they need and getting rid of the completely unsuitable one!

"This why you need to get a larger tank;

Red belly piranha=12inchs, looking at about a 90gal tank just for them.

Irredescent shark=3ft long, minimum 200gal

Bala shark=16inchs max, looking at around 75gals

(they also prefer to be kept in groups of 3)
(can't help you with the whale fish)

Convicts=5-6inchs, 20gals.

So we are talking about alot of gallons and the piranhas are going to need their own large tank! Im not sure on the whale fish, but the only fish you have that could live happily in any of your tanks is the convicts in the 30gal."

I told you from the very start of your issues your fish would die, and you did not believe me and guess what? they are dying one by one. I have been telling members to lay off you, that you are doing things about rehoming your fish/getting them an adequete tank, but i think i don't see why when you lose your temper at somone who is only telling you the reality of your situation!

You bought the fish from a pet shop so you are not uncapable of taking them back to it! Stop hoarding rare and unsuitable fish- they desearve a much better home than what you can give the at current!
Water changes is all you can do to keep your fish temporarily alive, but they will die anyways in the conditions they are in...The whiteness is from stress and poor water quality.
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