I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
He lives in a rather large plastic Kritter Keeper.
It's 7" high, 18" long, and 12" wide. Much better than his previous home, in which he could just barely turn around.
He's got a peat like substrate, a cork bark hidey hole, a little piece of wood (it came with him, has no place to hide though, it's just a perch), and his water dish.
Believe me, he's not getting anywhere near my face, lol!
Remember I have arachnaphobia...yeah, just having him in the house is a huge step for me.

::Edit:: I just realized there's an ad for 'Scott's Tarantulas' on the bottom of this page. How fitting.

Believe me, he's not getting anywhere near my face, lol!

::Edit:: I just realized there's an ad for 'Scott's Tarantulas' on the bottom of this page. How fitting.