OMG Guess What I Have for a Pet!

He lives in a rather large plastic Kritter Keeper. :nod: It's 7" high, 18" long, and 12" wide. Much better than his previous home, in which he could just barely turn around. :/ :sad: He's got a peat like substrate, a cork bark hidey hole, a little piece of wood (it came with him, has no place to hide though, it's just a perch), and his water dish.

Believe me, he's not getting anywhere near my face, lol! :lol: Remember I have arachnaphobia...yeah, just having him in the house is a huge step for me. :lol: :flex:

::Edit:: I just realized there's an ad for 'Scott's Tarantulas' on the bottom of this page. How fitting. :rolleyes: :D :thumbs:
Even though all my tarantualas were girls they all had boy names :rolleyes: It's mostly females in the pet trade as males have a lifespan of 2 years and females up to 20. Most males are kept as breeders while the females are shipped out to stores. If it's a male, he'll have hooks on his front legs (think where his "knees" are ) that they used to grip the female while mating :)
Congrats! I've held a couple but no way would I ever have one! Be careful if you do hold him, if you drop him he could die.
Thanks for the info Sorrell! :wub: I guess that means little Edgar is a girl. :rolleyes: :p But I don't care...I like that name. :D :p

SailfinGirl, yeah, I've heard that any damage to their abdomen, can cause death. :sad: :/ I'm comfortable with her being around, but I'm worried that if I did hold her and she freaked me out somehow, I probably would drop her. :sad: I'm still not good with spiders. :sad: So, for now I'm just gonna pet her when I get up the courage to do it. :flex:
Another fun tarantuala fact...if you or anyone does drop Edgar and he breaks a leg, you can fix it with super glue :thumbs:
:/ :huh: :blink: Are you serious, or are you just pulling my leg? Cause seriously, I'm pretty much bound to believe anything anyone tells me right now.

If you are kidding you're gonna get it girlie. :grr: :flex: :rolleyes: :fun: :wub:
Arashi said:
Thanks for the info Sorrell! :wub: I guess that means little Edgar is a girl. :rolleyes: :p But I don't care...I like that name. :D :p

SailfinGirl, yeah, I've heard that any damage to their abdomen, can cause death. :sad: :/ I'm comfortable with her being around, but I'm worried that if I did hold her and she freaked me out somehow, I probably would drop her. :sad: I'm still not good with spiders. :sad: So, for now I'm just gonna pet her when I get up the courage to do it. :flex:
maybe if you hold her close to the ground or top of a table, so if she does fall she wont have very far to go
I was thinking about trying that. But I still need to get up the courage to do it. I'm still afraid she might bite me or something...and I really don't want to get bitten. :/ :sad: A spider that size has got to have some massive fangs. :-(
just be sure you read up on HOW to properly handle her. tarantulas, while big and scary looking, are actually not real aggro guys. this was something i looked into when i moved to arizona (we have many of the fuzzballs here, though i have yet to actually see one............ and really, i'd like to keep it that way........... but anywho...).

while i will never own one, and this goes for scorpians and millipede/centipedes, and other creepy crawlies in the trade, shes a lovely variety (though i love the ones that are more reddish/orange colored.... very cool). you'll have to post pics once she's settled in and ready for her closeup.

what do you feed her? is she a juvie or an adult? just how big will she get? give her a little scratch on a furry spot for me :D
scorpians and millipede

Oh, these are lovely. When I was on an animal care course, this bloke brought in some of his tarantulas, scorpions, millpedes and hissing cockroaches! The millipedes were the cutest things there! I'd have one!

If yur spiders leg falls off, it'll grow one back when she sheds her skin. Oh, and just after she sheds she'll lie on her back with her legs tucked up, she won't be dead, she'll stay like that until her new skin hardens.

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