OMG Guess What I Have for a Pet!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Ok...everyone around here probably knows that I have a severe case of guess what I went out and bought...?

A TARANTULA!!!! :hyper: :lol: :rolleyes:

Heehee! I know I'm nuts! I can't believe it either, but he's sitting right next to me, and honestly, I don't think he's that scary...more cute and fuzzylike...not that I'm gonna cuddle him or nothing... :lol:

He's a Chilean Rose, about 4", and has been named Edgar. :rolleyes: :D

Since my camera is still broken, you don't get any of my pictures of my tarantula (and there's no way in hell that I'm gonna hold him :crazy: ), but here's one that I stole off of the internet that looks almost exactly like him. :nod: :thumbs: :D

Congrats Arashi! :cool:

How will you sleep with him in your apartment? -_-
If any of my neighbors have one, I don't wanna know. :lol:
lol! :lol: Well, I slept just fine with him in the apartment last night...he was in my living room, while I was in my bedroom on the opposite side of the place, with the door shut tight and clothing stuffed under the crack in the door! :hyper: :lol: :rofl:

No seriously, I really have no problem with him. He really dosen't do anything that scares me, and honestly I think he's really cute. He's a nice little guy.

...just don't ask me to hold him. :blink: :rolleyes:
Nice one ;)

Have fun with your lil' Arachnid :D
Don't worry you will soon get the urge to stroke him, and from there it's not far to hold him. :D

I used to take mine on walks in the summer and he would sit on my shoulder basking in the sun. :thumbs:
Thanks for all the nice comments peeps! :wub:

snowyangel - I haven't overcome my way. I still find spiders to be creepy horrid little things that are out to kill me in my sleep. :-( :-( BUT, I have always been fascinated by them, especially tarantulas. I think it's because they are bigger and fuzzier than normal house, garden, Wolf etc. spiders that I can actually have them around. :nod: :thumbs:

Link - Oh I plan on having tons of fun watching him and learning all about him. He's quite the fascinating creature. :nod: Thanks again for all your help! :thumbs: :wub:

The-Wolf - I actually did get the courage to pet him today! :hyper: I was moving him from his previously way-to-small cage to a much bigger enclosure, and as he was walking out of the smaller tank into the bigger one, I actually reached down and gave him a quick stroke...he's actually softer than I imagined. :hyper: I'm so proud of myself! :flex:

Sasha - Yeah, I can't believe it either! :hyper: :lol: :rofl:

cutechic - Thank you!!!! :wub:
Awwww, you'll love him (or more likely her ;) ) My tarantuals used to go all over with me, mostly by accident :blink: I would stick them on my shoulders and then forget and leave the house. I can't tell you how many times I've been in random places and someone will scream OMG A GIANT SPIDER ON YOUR SHIRT! :lol: :rolleyes:

Congrats :wub:
see I told you :p

it won't be long before you dtart putting him
on your shoulder and going fo a walk. :D

Well done! :clap:
Sorrell - OMG thats too funny! :hyper: :lol: I would have probably been one of those people freaking out around you! :hyper: :lol: :rofl: :*) Ya know with my luck it probably is a female, but for now it's a 'he' and 'his' name is gonna be Edgar...otherwise my boyfriend would be confused. :hyper: :lol: :rolleyes: :fun:

-cAtFiSh- - Heehee, thats the wierd Mom actually likes him! :hyper: :huh: She was visiting this weekend and kept saying how cute he was and stuff. :rolleyes: :lol:

The-Wolf - Thanks! :wub: Yeah...I kinda don't see that happening for a loooong time, if ever. I don't really know if I could handle having him crawl on may be too much. But we'll see. ;)
Awwwww.... Wook at da widdle puppypoo teddiebear....

What do you keep him in? And don't hold it close to your face - those quills he shoots from his abdomen can be very irritating, more so if it gets into your eyes.

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