Q: So, when you pour the water out, what keeps the gravel from dumping on top of the betta, or pumpling him? Thanks, Jennie Answered on Jan-27-05
A: He'll come out before all the gravel starts coming out. When your empting the aquarium just make sure you have a nice steady flow. You might get alittle bit of gravel that falls out but hardly any. Gravel will go in the bowl with the betta, then just pour it back in when your done cleaning. I put my finger over the hole and let the water seep around my finger this keeps the gravel from falling out too. It's not as hard as it sounds, it's just that you have to type out everything it sounds more than it really is. I sell over 100 tanks a month cause I do craft shows, flee markets, e-bay and I have never got any calls about the about the cleaning or maintainence of my tanks. I'm sure you will enjoy it because it really is low maintainence, unigue, and the best conversation piece you will find.