Omg Baby Fish


Jan 8, 2012
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my platy has had her baby's and and need to know what to do to keep them alive
thanks for any help
Spot on water and crushed flakes a few times a day! Are they in a separate tank or in a breeding trap? I have mines in a separate tank and change 10% water a day since I feed them tetramin 4-5 times a day. 
What I used to do was hook the breeding trap onto the thermometer, next to the filter stream so the water was constantly moving. Keep the water in the trap clean, feed the babies a few times a day. Then when they are big enough (about 2-3 weeks old) or when they are too big to fit in any other fishes mouths,  they can go into the main tank. Good luck!
No probs. If you are stuck with anything just ask :)
Just thought I would join this topic. My platys have had 2 babies. 1 orange the other yellow. The orange one is tiny but swimming bout the tank quite happily. The yellow one is still hiding in the plants. I only noticed them bout 3 days ago and they already had a bit of colour on them at that point. I haven't put them in a fry box or net, as they look happy swimming in the main tank. I have always managed to keep my water spotless. I am still going through the cycling process.
You have a lot of fish for an uncycled tank. How long has it been set up for? Just keep up the water changes. I have the same tank as you! 
With fish in its been running for 6 weeks now. Always doing large WC. Ammonia never goes above 0.25. No sign of nitrite or nitrate yet. Not loss any fish due to me. Lost 2 tetras due to fights with my platys. That was within a week of introducing the tetras.
I have many platies and have for years. I find my babies survive the best in Java moss. This will both shelter and feed them until they are old enough to eat flakes. Prices of the flake will catch on the plant as well as the plant itself will act as a food source. I encourage you to let them swim in the tank because this will give them fresher water and more variety of food. I've never had to feed my platy fry any special food.. but I have had to rehome due to overpopulation . Good luck!

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