Fish Fanatic
HI guys
This enquiry is actually for my neighbour friend who is quite elderly. Her grandkids have gone overseas and left her a tank of fishies. I am not experienced enough to help so thought I would ask here.
Here are the details
Tank size: 80 Litres
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 1.5ppm (purple)
nitrate: have not tested
tank temp: 27C
Tank established for - several years
Tank inhabitants: 2 electric blue rams and 2 gouramis
As you can tell, the NITRITE is wayyy tooo high. I'm not sure what happened during the transfer. I haven't tested for NITRATE because the NITRITE is so high. That was my main concern. I really need to know how to bring this down as fast as possible. The fish are at the top gasping for air but sometimes they are at the bottom.
Other information that you might like to know:
there are lots of plants.
the lady has not washed anything in tap water
apparently, the grandkids half emptied the water, brought it to her place, then filled it up with water again (with the conditioner etc). They might have taken out more than half the water.
What I have done so far:
I have done a 25% water change
added some of the seachem PRIME to neutralise the nitrite
added some Seachem Stability to add more bacteria
reduced the PH to about 7- 7.2
not fed the fish for about a day so that theres no more ammonia going in.
It seemed to work for a little bit but the nitrite of course is back at record levels.
Sorry its such a long post!
This enquiry is actually for my neighbour friend who is quite elderly. Her grandkids have gone overseas and left her a tank of fishies. I am not experienced enough to help so thought I would ask here.
Here are the details
Tank size: 80 Litres
pH: 7.4
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 1.5ppm (purple)
nitrate: have not tested
tank temp: 27C
Tank established for - several years
Tank inhabitants: 2 electric blue rams and 2 gouramis
As you can tell, the NITRITE is wayyy tooo high. I'm not sure what happened during the transfer. I haven't tested for NITRATE because the NITRITE is so high. That was my main concern. I really need to know how to bring this down as fast as possible. The fish are at the top gasping for air but sometimes they are at the bottom.
Other information that you might like to know:
there are lots of plants.
the lady has not washed anything in tap water
apparently, the grandkids half emptied the water, brought it to her place, then filled it up with water again (with the conditioner etc). They might have taken out more than half the water.
What I have done so far:
I have done a 25% water change
added some of the seachem PRIME to neutralise the nitrite
added some Seachem Stability to add more bacteria
reduced the PH to about 7- 7.2
not fed the fish for about a day so that theres no more ammonia going in.
It seemed to work for a little bit but the nitrite of course is back at record levels.
Sorry its such a long post!