Okay I want to make sure nothing is wrong with my tank before I get more. Okay about 1-2 weeks ago my mom actually bought me 6 neon tetras(she doesn't buy me fish very often). They were put into a 29g with plenty of filtration(to lazy to figure out the gph). The parameters are Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate just over 5 ph is 7.6 the tank is now kept at 77 Fahrenheit. Well we bought the neon's, I started floating them, waited ten minutes put a cup of water in, wait 15 minutes but a cup of water in, waited 20 minutes about a cup of water in, then wait 10 minutes, got a net got them out and put them in the tank. They are all fine at first, I wake up in the morning two are missing and I think "I bet my rams ate them" but then another dies a few hours later that day, I find him, then when I find him I find the other 2 that died. Next day 1 more was dead, next 2 died during the day. I was watching all I could, they all did the same thing that I saw die, they just floated at the top close to the small filter, until they died. Now I never saw anybody try to eat anybody else or anything like that. But the only thing I can figure out what may have happened was that it was to hot, I didn't know it at the time but the heater that was in there had over worked itself, and was constantly on, so when they died the water was 82-83 Fahrenheit. So I think it was either that or they had some kind of bacterial infection not visible to the eye. What do you all think? Oh and the tank mates were 4 albino cories, and 3 Bolivian rams.