I guess here is my point.
Fishless cycling was an idea created in order to stock up a tank in one go. The amounts of ammonia used in a typical fishless cycle is more then an entire fish stock would generate, making it safe to load up the tank. This is especially useful for fish like mbuna, which are best added all at once, or for the impatient who just need to fill up the tank now (I believe that includes most of us).
Fish cycling is still acceptable, believe it or not. Fish cycling is for when the fish are to be added slowly, low amounts of fish compared to water volume. An example I can think of offhand would be a baby Oscar in an adult sized aquarium. A small amount of bacteria can be simply added, as mentioned, through established filter media. A small amount of bacteria is added, a small amount is all that is needed, making the tank pretty much cycled from the start.
Now, by all means do a fishless cycle if you feel safer about it. Once you add the Oscar, almost all of the bacteria will die off until all that's left is the small amount needed to support the oscar. I'm just trying to reassure you (based on my own years of experience) that, in your situation, you can get that oscar any time, if you wish.
Cheers, and good luck with him either way you go, they're great fish to own.