Okay My Fry Problems

start your own thread and not hijack anothers ty.
I have Molly fry right now that just turned three weeks old and they are about this (---------) size. Platys are typically born smaller than Mollies though. How often do you feed? I feed mine 3-4 small meals a day which means that I must do a 20-30% water change at least every other day (usually every day).

You shouldnt need to be doing water changes that often.

My fry are fed 5-7 times a day small amounts and i only waterchange them every 5 days.
Yeah, I realize that I probably don't need to but I have roughly 80 fry in a 10 gallon that was only set up after the fry were born (not much bacteria built up yet) and I already stated that I probably feed too much LOL. I feel that my 20% daily water changes are a small price to pay to ensure that my water conditions are optimal.

[Update] I have just moved about a third of them, the largest ones, into the main tank (they seem so happy). I moved the mid-sized ones into another tank, and left the smallest ones in the fry tank to grow out a little more. Phew! Perhaps I can ease up on the water changes now... :thumbs:
wow 5teady 5-7 times a day hmmmmm maybe i should do that since you have alot more knowledge than me :S :/

5teady how many hours in between would you say is that exactly?
wow 5teady 5-7 times a day hmmmmm maybe i should do that since you have alot more knowledge than me :S :/

5teady how many hours in between would you say is that exactly?

I try to feed them every 2 hours small amounts.
okay ty i will do this as well then :)
here is a video i made of my fry you can see how tiny they still are.

i just got some brine shrimp flakes with pieces of dried brine shrimp. i hope this helps the fry to grow. it has a 46.0% protein. should i mix it with flakes or just give them this for now on?
no response i will edit the post with an update read above this one
If your new flake is a balanced fry food and not just brine shrimp it shouls be fine as a main food. If it is a brine shrimp treat type food, you will need to use your regular flake with it to avoid deficiency diseases in the fry.
this is the one i have here for them, and i mixed it with regular flakes.


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