OK, what do I do now

BTW give your tank another week and you will see how much damage can be done if 1 or all your fish die cause of the HIGH ammonia or Nitirites...I learned the hard way... :sad:

Your Guppy giving birth..well that was because either she was due, or the stress bought on delivery...Are the babies in this tank that hasnt been cycled? If they are them they will be the first to die...They are not like the adult fish they cant take the HIGH ammonia and Nitirites.. :sad:

I think lordmoose is very good at giving advice, and everyone on here is giving advise on experience, and if you dont like then dont listen to them... :p

You said you put half water from your other tank, and half tap water? Did you use any filter media from the other tank? :shifty:
your filter media question gives me a headache but this is what I basicaly did.
Set up the tank, previously washed the rocks off washed the plants and washed the tank itself, then I placed about 50-60% of my own fish tank water into this aquarium. " the water from that aquarium was very good " it was tested by petco already. (test it every 2 weeks). I had the underground filter set up and added 2 power pumps to the both of the sides of the aquarium " placed them inside of the tubes" cause of this being a 15 gallon aquarium. Then a day later I placed shrimp inside of the aquarium. Then I went to petco about a day in half later to get my water tested. Which was basicaly 2 days in half but still considered 2 day's until the 3rd day has come. The guy checked it everything was good, he even offered to sell me fish for this aquarium, but I said no cause I had planned already guppies for this tank. I was on my way home I placed the fish into a bag and put this special stuff in it and then put air in the bag. I then set the bag in the tank for a good 40 minutes to get the temperature and everything identicle with the tank. I let the guppies out, 2 baby couple month old guppies and 1 already pregnant mother " all 3 were females ".. Several days later she has babies which was lastnight. The baby guppies are everywhere in this tank, and they're in groups of I don't know how many. But I know she had more than 25 in that litter. Probably about 35 at most. "She was giant" when I placed her into the tank I knew she was going to explode anytime. Lastnight she did and the fish are still alive and the mom was placed back into her original tank and is behaving normally as if she wasn't even taken out of the 160 gallon tank. "that's the story" now here I am typing this...
If the questions give you such a headache then IMO stopping posting and asking questions if you dont want responses!!!!!!!!!! :S

Everyone has the right to say what they want, we are just giving opinions, not telling you what to do :crazy:
Your Guppy giving birth..well that was because either she was due, or the stress bought on delivery...Are the babies in this tank that hasnt been cycled? If they are them they will be the first to die...They are not like the adult fish they cant take the HIGH ammonia and Nitirites..
Damn right. They cant hold the fry in there forever. Bad water or not they gotta drop sometime.

I think lordmoose is very good at giving advice, and everyone on here is giving advise on experience, and if you dont like then dont listen to them...

Thanks! :) I've been keeping fish over 8 years now and I like to think I help a few people here :)

.. I don't know what I'm doing? WELL THE FISH ARE STILL ALIVE ARE THEY NOT ?
They may be alive now but if your tank isn't probably cycled it's very unlikely that they will survive.

My fish have shown no signs of white spots or erritation
What the hell has white spot got to do with this?

I went to petco before I placed those guppies in and the water conditions were good
So what are your actual water paramaters then?

My point is, you said that cycling is BS. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, and any experience fish keeper will tell you that. Put it this way, would you like living in your own urine and fecal matter? NO. That's why fish need nitrifying bacteria to survive..oh hell I give up there's no getting through to some people. You'll learn soon enough when your fish all die, poor lil things.
I just don't understand what you're doing on this forum if you can't pay any attention to people's advice and experience.

Sorry if this post has offended anyone, I just can't stand the ignorance of someone saying "cycling is BS". And no AllusiveLife I don't ask my fish if they're suffering, but putting them in an uncycled tank is just plain cruel.
I totally agree with you lordmoose :D

I have been keeping fish for many many years now too
No, your gay 4 - 6 week cycle is what I don't believe in. If you read all of my dang posts on this forum about why you shouldn't have to wait long periods of time just to place none hardy fish inside the tank you would have thought through with your reply!
I bring my water to get it checked, the guy doesn't tell me what the levels are, cause I haven't asked him. "it beats buying a test kit" but I may just get one cause of the gas problems in Arizona. He tell's me the water is in excellent condition but I'll ask for the levels this weekend, I'll make an extra trip just for the heck of proving you wrong..

For the not listening part? That's the biggest BS, I've been asking alot of questions about breeding other types of fish and the conditioning of the tank for the breeding to be sucessful. I have Bog wood and everything for my corries that I'm going to try breeding. The tank has been set for more than several days right now cause I'm waiting to decide if I want to breed my corries that I have at the moment knowing how these are not a rare breed. "green cories".

Heck, just cause you've had tanks for 8 years doesn't mean crap, I've been around tanks ever since I was 2, and my current fishtank the "160" has been set up for over 12 years. "white spots" do you act stupid or is it a given? I basicaly stated that my fish didn't have any infections on their body, or any sickness what so ever. The baby guppies are eating the food and everything, they've not shown any sick behavior what so every. Their condition is excellent and the current fish haven't shown any sickness... When I get my digital camera set up I'll take pictures and outstand you. These gay traditional habits that you hold on every one is very stupid... I guess pet stores who set up their tanks and decide what fish to be placed into there don't know jack... I guess Arizona hasn't been provided with inteligence in the fish department. Every pet store you walk into you see dead fish floating to the top. Every pet store I've gone to told me my procedures I've accomplished is the correct way of setting up tanks, if that were not true they wouldn't be selling fish to me....
Allusive Life, more like Illusional life! Comon guys I thought I posted under Emergencies, not Bitcheness. No one has offered any practical advise yet. My fish are still dying, lost 2 more last night. I have started to treat for whitespot so I hope thats the problem. The nitrites have gone up slightly to .25ppm but ammonia and nitrates are still steady. The guy in the LFS said the treatment was going to kill the bacteria in the filter so I,m gonna have to go through all this again AHHH!!!
BTW Allusive, my fish were fine for two(2) WEEKS before they showed any problems now there dropping dead everyday so I,m afraid that any post you do now will not even get a lookin on my computer, Please if you don,t have something usefull to say, stay out of the forum. To the other Intelligent people in here, please help me.
aquamanis..... are you doing small water changes? Like only 10%?? That may help some, It will slow your cycling down but its worth maybe saving some of your fish..
If your Nitirites start to rise, you are near the end of your cycling

What are the fish in your tank, I dont recall what you had? If you DO NOT have any scaless fish you might want to add some salt to your tank, thats helps fights some infection, and I think it might help with the toxics of ammonia and nitirites (but dont quote me on this Im not sure)

You might add another air stone to help too

Good luck and hope your fish make it :)
aquamanis said:
Allusive Life, more like Illusional life!

BTW Allusive, my fish were fine for two(2) WEEKS before they showed any problems now there dropping dead
yeah sure what ever floats your boat buddy...

Your ignorance is what killed your fish. I had already placed 50% - 60% of an already set up fish tanks water into the 15 gallon so about 8-9 gallons of already good water was in the tank. Then I got the other 6-7 gallons of new water and placed this product inside of the water. Then I allowed the aquarium to sit for like a 2 days in half before placing the guppies inside. BIG difference to what you've done...
(This post is nothing personal, just what I think)

In a way, I agree with allusive life about traditional things. Some people tend to believe stuff told to them by "popular", or authoritative(sp?) figures. As more and more people do that, then whatever that figure said, would be rendered as fact, and nothing else. Also, people tend to "overdo" something i.e. bonsai, great care is taken, to make the plant more natural looking, but in reality, it doesnt look natural at all, it looks like plastic(at least, to me). I'm guessing something might have happened to your water and is giving you false readings(dechloraminators still register there is ammonia in the water, but its not harmful, it is simply locked up until bacterias can convert it).

Anyway, about aquamanis' problems, the only thing I could think of is ammonia or nitrite burns. Or possibly, rapid ph fluctuations. But reading the posts, it seems thats not the case.

Also, I just got something to share. I once did a terrible mistake for my aquarium. I had plants, and I read so much stuff about fetilizing and such. I also read that plants love nitrogen! I got this idea of using houseplant fertilizer(yes, you read it...houseplant fertilizer). The ammonia started to climb to unimaginable levels! I forgot there was urea in the fertilizer, a source of ammonia. I did a 2 20% water change that day. But that was'nt enough to lower the ammonia down. I also had a massive greenwater outbreak the next day. I did a total blackout, and did another 20% water change. Nothing seems to work. I added some dechloraminators(actually, prolly a third of the recommended dosage as I ran out). I also added a plastic plant from an established tank. I waited. Ammonia is still at serious levels for 4 days, without any water changes. After 5 days, I took the blanket down, and to my surprise, no green water, and the ammonia is down. Nitrate is at all time high, though. I did lost 1 fish, but nothing else. I was surprised, as this is a 75 gallon, and is fully stocked. Two weeks after the incident, the fishies are still doing great, and the nitrate is down.

This experience just showed me not to tinker with my water anymore(thats why I dont use ANY fertilizer at all anymore) and that problems can actually "kill" itself(I suspected that the green algae ate the ammonia up, the got killed itself when the ammonia ran out, and there is no lights).

Anyway, have a great day.

***Please, the above post is just my opinion, so please be nice :p :mama: :drink:
First of all, I just want to say that I really don't have the time to respond to, or even would bother taking the time, to respond to some of these posts. However, I am glad to see some very experienced fish keepers here are doing their best to drive a wooden nail through concrete. I do have one comment though, it's one thing to have your fish survive, and another to have your fish thrive. I'll leave it at that.

Aquamanis, the situation you're going through is very unfortunate, and don't listen to that comment about the "ignorance" thing. Many new fish keepers make the same mistake, and it's unfortunate that so many places make it seem like it's as easy as "Just add water, and then just add fish". Whether it's due to uneducated staff, or just plain making a quick buck, is another topic all together.

There are many people here who are willing to help, and it looks like you have been given some excellent advice already. I am offering you any information or advice I can give you as well. A quick synopsis with a relatively correct time line of what's happened so far and an update of current conditions would greatly help. At this point, I think we should probably bring this thread back to what it was really about. Perhaps one of the mods can move the usefull info into a new thread?
hi aquamanis - I found that the only thing that helped my tank was twice daily w/changes of about 15% - made the cycling tank longer but my fish were a lot happier and stopped flicking against things :alien:
I have started to treat for whitespot so I hope thats the problem.
If your tank is still cycling maybe reduce the dose slightly. If it were me I'd halve the dose and give the fish saltbaths. Also increasing the tanks temperature will help kill off the whitespot.

The nitrites have gone up slightly to .25ppm but ammonia and nitrates are still steady

Well this isn't *too* high. I'd keep a close eye on it and change around 10-15% of the water each day.

This is about all the advice I can give...just hang on in there. Hope your fish make it :)

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