ok took your advice

Depends on what kind you want. The problem with a hex tank is it still has a small footprint. Cichlids tend to stay toward the bottom and take up the bottom area as their territory.
Ya if your going to get agressive cichlids than cosider hard about which you want..why not some smaller cichlids like keyhole's ....i find my two swim at all levels and are real calm/nice fish :D

P.s. How much did that Hex cost you...i found a 50gal yesterday with hood and some other stuff for $30 (canadian)....i Just dont have room for it :)
ok, it is a 42 gal. and it was $20 (american). i already have the cichlids they are the ones that are black strips and gray or blueish in color. i got tank, stand ,rocks and plants and some odd stuff with it.. this is why i am putting the cichlids in it.. and i just wanted to know what i can put in there.. i have to move them out of my other tank they are eating my other fish.. 5 shrimp down already and one pleco..
So are you saying i can put angel fish in this tank with the cichlids?
Angels are cichlids.

why not a community cichlid tank? some rams( like 3 thant I know of), anngels (many diffrent kinds) , and maybe a shoal of corries and some rummy nose tetras?
ok , like i said i already have the convicts that is why i got this tank. they are in my community tank and eating my other fish.. i just wanted to know what can i put in there with them they are convicts that are black striped with greyish blue color..one has a orange tummy and sides so i was told that one should be a female..? can i put these and angels together?
also i only have 7 and right now they are babies just less then an inch.
ohhhhhh, yeah, no angels with convicts, theyre to agressive for angels.
darn it. i was hoping . so what can i put in there? i know these guys don't get that big i have seen the parents...also is it right that the one that has the orange is a female?
well cons get to be about 6 inches so that minght be kinda big for a hex tank. but some fish that can go with them are plecos and some big catfish. i think syndopsis ones are ok.
ok thanks i knew these could go but was hopeing for something else like mid swimming fish something pretty..
i hope my convicts are pretty when they grow up . there so little right now..
what about the orange on the one is it a female?
probly. not sure though, only fish i can sex are live bearers and i think cories.
cool , she shines like a star with her orange belly.
she is so pretty we saw her last night shining in the light..

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