Ok... This Just Wasn't Cool...


The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
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My Bettas House In New York
So I walk into my lfs today (its a great store) and I'm used to seeing dyed parrots, and tattooed mollies, but when I looked in the oscar tank I saw 3 albino oscars that were tattooed!! OMG I was so mad, has anyone else seen this before? This tattooing business really needs to be stopped :angry:
yer but some poeple just don't care i hate that. i have a friend well he's not really i seee him now and then and instead of putting a gallon to each fish he will put a litre!! he has two tanks 3ft the biggest and has other 100 fish. i told him but he doesn't care :( and his dwarf puffer is killing all his fish but he won't get rid of it stupid or what
sadly, most lfs's only care about making profits. They don't usually care about how the fish were made, or if they were abused, they only care about the money they'll make selling them. One of my lfs started selling oscars, they aren't dyed but are kept in poor conditions and sold to people with 10 gallon tanks. I have stopped visiting there. Now I go to a very nice fish shop witch keeps fish in big tanks, has a full-grown common plec in the display window to show how big these things will grow, and tells the buyer about the fih first.
thankfully tattooing fish in Australia isn't very popular I have only seen one dyed fish species once at a pet shop...
This is a VERY good lfs the oscars were sent to them without there knowledge that they would be getting tattooed oscars. One of the employess was unpacking the fish, and I was talking to him and he was going on and on about how he can't believe they do that to the fish. I was just shocked to see it, I've never seen a tattooed fish other then a parrot or a molly.
This is a VERY good lfs the oscars were sent to them without there knowledge that they would be getting tattooed oscars. One of the employess was unpacking the fish, and I was talking to him and he was going on and on about how he can't believe they do that to the fish. I was just shocked to see it, I've never seen a tattooed fish other then a parrot or a molly.

Well that's good :nod: nice to know there are some fish shops that care about the fish....
I was watching the news a few months ago and they were talking about a store that sold dyed Parrots and they said it was Federal afence and the police took the parrots away and fined the owner. Now he has tatooed Mollies and they said there is no law against that.
I believe it's two bettas spawning, if I'm correct :) The male wraps around the female to squeeze the eggs out...
No I never said the bettas were mistreated I was saying that the colour on the bottom betta looks like it has blood on it due to it's colour lol
yeah its my bettas spawning :D :D The female does have a funky red splotch on her head, lol, I think it's cute though.
i think any tatooed fish is sick, i still dont get why people have to mess with things like this, why cant they leave things be, the fish was great before, now it looks crap.
luckly my lfs never sells dyed or tatooed fish, and even has posters around saying "no dyed or tatooed fish sold here" which im glad about, i would soon have something to say if they did start selling them,
im just happy i havent come across a real tatooed fish yet in a fish shop, i would feel bad for days after, and would so boycott that shop.
Hubby went to our local fish shop (Fish People in Keighley) the other day for some food, and saw some dyed parrot fish. Funny considering they used to boast that they'd signed the PFK dyed fish thingie, I bet that posters gone now they've got those in. -_-

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