Ok, So I Looked In My Lb Birthing Tank Last Night.....

I agree on the filter. Its way to early for a filter like that. The best thing to do is use an airstone and do water changes every day like flumpit2 said. You can add a sponge filter at about 3-4 weeks old. Having the gravel might be a problem since it will be harder to keep clean. Im guessing the tank you are using is cycled? If so, that will help a lot. Mine was not cycled when I started, which is another reason for the daily water changes. The clean water will help the fry grow a lot quicker.

As for the microworm culture, you can get them off Aquabid too. I bought one that was a kit. It came with the oatmeal, culture, container to keep them in, popsickle sticks to get them out of the container, and an eye dropper thing to put them in the tank. It was like $10 shipped. Adding some yeast to the culture will help them grow faster too. You definately need to do something fast, as it will take the culture a week or 2 to get started. The fry will need something other then the Liquid fry after 2 days. Some people have used baby brine shrimp with success. I know once I started mine on the mircoworms, they took off.

Keep us updated. Good Luck :thumbs:
thanks for the info guys...

yeah the tank is cycled, its my birthing tank that i use for me LB's. WIll take the filter out this weekend.


well, from what i can see in the tank there seems to be only about 5-6 of them. However, they are still only tiny and theres gravel in there, so they are probably hiding heheheh
hi sp00ky,congratulations!!!i bet theres more than 5 or 6 in there but you just cant spot them.i put my bare bottomed fry tank on white paper so that i could spot the fry easier but even then it was hard at times to count them!keep us informed of how things go. :)
LOL,thought there would be more than 5 or 6.sounds like your gona have your hands full with the little fellas.just keep your eyes open for dead ones as they will contaminate the water really quickly!get some pics up when poss.goodluck :)
Congrats Spooky, you too have cory fry :D aint they cute! I fed mine on live bbs when they were about 5 days old before then I didnt even feed them! I presume mine just ate some infusora that was probably growing on some live leaves in my container!
Congrats Spooky, you too have cory fry :D aint they cute! I fed mine on live bbs when they were about 5 days old before then I didnt even feed them! I presume mine just ate some infusora that was probably growing on some live leaves in my container!

mine seem tp be loving liquifry 1. not sure what to move them on to though and when. anyone any ideas?

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