Ok, Im Banned From World Of Water Now!


Jun 9, 2008
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ok, here is how the past days went! Sorry for the rant!
I visited World of water, Blackpool. I was looking around at the fish, which were in o.k condition for a large chain store. Yesterday i had phoned to find out if they had any bettas in, which they said they had, and the guy made a point of saying, 'Yeah i've even separated them so they don't fight and everything' So i thought, ok... i guess that's good... However, i got there and was looking around for AGES for them, until i found them. On top of a shelf where the work bench is where they bag the fish. They were in a terrible state. They were in a long divided tank, in cubes of about 3cm by 3cm. The long tank was filtered by a sump, which had an inlet on the right and outlet pipe on the left. The current was so strong the bettas were sticking to the side of the glass. Also, there was a betta floating in the sump being blown about by the current which had lost the ability to swim properly. The tanks were unheated and dark. One of the bettas had visible dropsy, and they all had significant fin damage.
I was shocked and horrified by this so, at once i got a member of staff. Here is how the conversation went:
''Hey how can i help you?''
''First of all, are these bettas in quarantine?''
''No, they are for sale''
''Right. Ok then, i think i need to point out alot of things that are going wrong here.''
Looking confused''Oh, what would that be?''
''Well, to start with, bettas don't like current, need heated tanks, and all of these are either ill or in dreadful condition. You have them in cramped tanks, when they need about 2.5 Gallons each.''
''Well erm, i am not really responsible for this department, however i can fetch you someone who is...''
''OK thats fine''

''Hi how can i help you?''
'' explains everything AGAIN
''Look, im a marine biologist. I know all about bettas. If bettas are kept in tanks any bigger than this then they will die. Its maby something you will understand as you get older and more into the hobby. Also, bettas live in fast moving rivers in the wild so they enjoy the current.''
''I still think you are wrong.''
''Well, even if it isnt that, it saves space in the shop.''
I point to the sump with the poorly betta
'' oh that one is ill probably from shipping. ''
'' Look, i dont know who you are trying to kid, but i think you are totally wrong on this. You could at least treat the tank with some meds''

At this i was told how wrong i was again, then went home and thought, they can stuff it!
BUT my freind who had been doing his work experience said, when i asked him about the bettas that the marine biologist probably knows what hes doing :crazy: has the world gone mad??!! i also asked about the betta in the sump, and he said,
'Oh i was told to fish it out and give it to the lionfish after you left. Its the same with the dead mice and the snakes.'
:angry: At that, i phoned up that night, and said numerous swearwords and got very, very angry. :S Im now banned for a year. My freind says they have my name in the staff room XD.
Was i right or wrong about this whole deal?
Thanks, Finlay
i wouldnt want to shop there anyway if they kept there fish in such bad conditions
maybe a little more of a better approach wouldve been more appropiate but i understand why you got so angry. i too have seen these new sump systems being used, it's b/c people have complained about some bettas being in floaters in main tanks in the shops and tbh they do better in the floaters than these dreadful things, the whole system costs £199.98 and is strond enough to blow the betta to bits, there is one shop down here that has it and i used to get my dogs stuff in there but i cant bring myself to go in there anymore as im sooo close to saying something to them and the manager is an arguementive swine as it is and you all know that im sure to bite back :lol: , i would report world of water to the RSPCA, trust me, they will pay them a visit if not they will send the local council around to check on it.
Ok i will do:) Looking back i was probably a bit too angry lol! Im just an angry person though :p
Anger never accomplishes much. Sometimes it's a last resort, and it's usually really fun, but it ends up being counterproductive. You aren't wrong for feeling that way, but on the other hand, they really aren't wrong for banning you, either.
maybe a little more of a better approach wouldve been more appropiate but i understand why you got so angry. i too have seen these new sump systems being used, it's b/c people have complained about some bettas being in floaters in main tanks in the shops and tbh they do better in the floaters than these dreadful things, the whole system costs £199.98 and is strond enough to blow the betta to bits, there is one shop down here that has it and i used to get my dogs stuff in there but i cant bring myself to go in there anymore as im sooo close to saying something to them and the manager is an arguementive swine as it is and you all know that im sure to bite back :lol: , i would report world of water to the RSPCA, trust me, they will pay them a visit if not they will send the local council around to check on it.

Hmm...wouldn't be that pet shop at Creekmoor would it? I've made more than one scene in that place. :angry:
In Bournemouth theirs only 2 places i go..... and creekmoor is at the bottom of the list!!!!

It's quite stressful trying to keep 1000's of fish alive as Modaz can vouch for and to keep everyone happy.
And when you been doing it for several years and then a kid comes in and tells you your doing it all wrong it's difficult to fight your side and thinking they come from fasy flowing rives just shows what he rarely dose know!!!!

Just be happy knowing you know more than he dose and put your money in a shop that dose know what their doing......Simple
i agree with Modaz,

if they really are being that bad,just speak to animal welfare and pet licencing - If they say Jump the store will Jump as far as they are told by them. AW + PL control the licences and they store will not want there stock taken off sale.

Definetly report it!!

The sad thing is that, the Betta in the sump was eventually lionfood
do you think the betta in the sump could of been healed?
im wondering because it may help your case when you contact RSPCA

being young is hard
when my partner was in labour, for 23 hours all we wanted was for them to answer our questions, so we got pretty angry
a little while later a cooling lady came in to settle us down while she was talking she managed to say that us young people
want things in 5 minutes, that was really upsetting, at the time we where 20 years old.
i mean back then poeple got married at that age and had babies aswell.

i definetly didnt like it when he fed the betta to the lion fish

anyway good luck and keep us informed

I do not blame you for getting angry. What kind of freakin idiot would just flat out LIE about being a marine biologist and then proceed to just make crap up??
I think some of you other ppl that might be near there, need to drop in and drop some knowledge on these ignoramuses.
if you were a marine biologist, surely you wouldnt work in a fish store?
marine biologist... lol....
reort them if you can... i know that in australia rspca dont really worry to much about the fish.. they cover more dogs and cats etc,....
give it a shot and lket us know how it went....

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