Does your school set up school counselors for these kinds of tragedies?
You should seek a school counselor; a minister even if he/she is of a different denomination--Catholic or Protestant or other; a more mature person whose life and approach you admire who will just listen to you. IME the people experiencing the loss spend a lot of energy comforting others, because people just don't know what to say. A simple, "I'm sorry for your and your family's loss" is sufficient. Then listen to whatever they have to say--if they want to say anything. The most unusual and needed thing is people who just listen.
If this is at his work that you speak to him, give him a moment to respond to your offer of sympathy and knowledge of loss. When the moment has passed, or he has responded to you, and it is over, you can address him about business. Do not approach him about business away from his work at this time, unless he broaches the subject. It would be inappropriate.
I think most of us have had at least one group of our peers that has died in some stupid thing like this. Grieve if you feel loss; offer condolences to those who feel loss; learn whatever lessons you can.
I'm sorry
Ok! Back on subject: I got two of what I hope are Mama San sterbai today. I stopped by the lps and looked, and there were at least three 2.5x larger fish in the sterbai tank. They are not egged up, but I am hopping they are mamas.
This tank is no longer a quiet little lazy resting cory tank. The sterbai have stirred up the whole tank with their activity. The brochis have always been slow and just poke along. I never see them do the catfish dance or swim above the ground level, unless they are startled. Today they and the sterbai are doing the cory dance (doesn't look like spawning) en masse all day. It is so energetic I have been concerned for the small rasaboras and the less agile long fin peppers.
My peppers did this same dance, when I added a goodly group to the lonely pair that included Rocky Balboa.