Ok Finally


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2007
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OK in a couple of days I need am going to get a fish (or a few) for my five gallon. So please name every fish you know and how many I can have in a five gallon because this is a big decision for me.
One dwarf puffer
One betta

thats about it

So please name every fish you know and how many I can have in a five gallon!

lol... No snails because I can never get them to live!
Can't get snails to live? I have to remove 50 a week from my tank !

Anyway, Guppies are nice and they get along fine with my Platys so I'd recommend them...

Not sure what a 5 gallon tank is as I made the "icorrect" assumption that it was the same as a UK gallon (8 pints) but was then told I was wrong.

I have 60 liters (60,000ml) and I have 11 small fish. I would say that it is now about full and they all seem VERY happy. I am going to buy a much bigger tank next year as I know that my Loaches will outgrow the tank.

Have fun and remember to introduce the fish at a rate of about:

3 first month
3 more second month
Add the rest 3rd month

That's what I did and they are fine... two guppies died within days of being added, cause unknown.
That's what I did and they are fine... two guppies died within days of being added, cause unknown.

They weren't all fine then really. Were you testing the water (out of interest)?

There is an excellent German site, Mini fische, I can't find a link though, on species of small fish.

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