Ok finally somthing that works


New Member
Jan 5, 2020
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I have tried everything in the market for ammonia spikes when I have trouble in my 55 gal tank. Now don't get me wrong I like Seachem products but I bought purgeen 2 of them to be precise. Now one should have more than took care of the spike due to a fish that passed an I failed to find right away. So I used both an done a quarter water change. After a few days my level were still high. SO I tried ammo chips. Over night my levels went to 0. Now I know what some of you going say but I checked the puregeen it did change color but not to the point that it need recharge. I guess my point is for a emergency ammo chips works better in the short term. The only draw back is you need to wash it really good before you put it in. If not you will get a cloudy tank an even with washing it still clouded a little bit nothing a filter won't handle an the important thing is the ammonia is taken care of an you can recharge it with 5 percent salt solution. Thanks for listening hope this helps beginners out there
How long has the tank been set up for?
How often and how do you clean the filter?
What filter materials/ media do you have in the filter?

If you are getting ammonia spikes, then either the filter hasn't established yet, or you are damaging the filter bacteria, or you are over feeding the tank.

The easiest way to deal with ammonia or nitrite spikes is to do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate every day until the levels are back to 0. You should also reduce feeding until the levels are back to 0.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.
It does sound like your tank is not completely cycled, you may want to consider getting some live plants like hornwort, water sprite and anacharis to help deal with the ammonia.
But did you do a water change? It also sounds like your tank cycle isn't complete or possibly overstocked.
Everything is fine I just had fish that died is didn't see it an it caused a spike. I'm just saying for an emergency to remove ammonia fast ammo chip work that's all I'm saying for beginners to help save them money an time trying all these other things. I'm not saying it takes the place of well cycled tank in just letting you know what I have experienced
Now I know what some of you going say but I checked the
Its worth saying anyway.
A dead fish in a 55G should never cause an ammonia spike in a healthy tank.
Christ oh mitty people all I'm saying is if you have a spike of ammonia Ammo chips work. My tank is fine. I just posted this in case any one was having problems. And to maybe keep them from spending money on things that didn't work for me in the past. I have had tanks since I was a kid. I know how to maintain one. Just trying to help others. But thank for all the opions..
Christ oh mitty people all I'm saying is if you have a spike of ammonia Ammo chips work. My tank is fine. I just posted this in case any one was having problems. And to maybe keep them from spending money on things that didn't work for me in the past. I have had tanks since I was a kid. I know how to maintain one. Just trying to help others. But thank for all the opions..
Cheapest way to fix an ammonia spike is doing a water change. If one is using tap water than all it cost is the cost of your tap water and a couple drops of water conditioner. Ammo chips are a waste of money that starve your biological filter of the ammonia the beneficial bacteria feeds on. If one is getting ammonia spikes than ones tank isnt cycled or the beneficial becteria cant keep up with the ammonia being produced by an over stocked fish load. Its either overstocked or under established bio filter. Ammo chips solve neither of these issues long term rather just delay the inevitable.same goes for products like ammo lock
They only temporarily detoxify the ammonia, it doesn't help in the long run

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