Fish Crazy
Okay, I went to this eating place, and they had little half-tubes of bamboo to serve the rice. So I said to myself: "Hey! If I put two of these things together, I can make Firebolt a cave!" So as soon as I got home, I washed it with hot water. Turns out that there was a lot of oil on it. So I washed it again. And again. But still no use. Each time I put it into a bowl of hot water, after awhile there would be those little oil skins on the top of the water. So I boiled the bamboo in VERY hot water. It still created an oily skin on the surface, which ment there was still a lot of oil on it. I took it out after a few minutes, and felt it. Still kinda smooth and oily. The bamboo is still in the sink, sitting in hot water, still being washed. Would just a little oil harm my betta a lot? And how do you get rid of oil?