Oil Spill


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Jan 1, 2006
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Major oil spill in Australia

There has been a major oil spill near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
A total of 2,600 gallons spilled near the city of Gladstone in Queensland when a ship and tugboat collided.
Emergency crews are rushing to clean up the fuel oil which has affected some coastal mangrove areas. A spokesperson says the slick poses no immediate threat to the famous coral reef.


Bad job, eh??? :/
Thats horrible not only that it could damage the area, but also do you know how much all of that oil cost? lol
To ban or not to ban is a question, but it's always easier to say then to do.
Hi, I can't find a news report of the oil spill. I am very interested as my husband is in New Zealand and he is going to the Great Barrier Reef soon to snorkel. Where was it reported? Thanks. I have texted him anyway but he might ask where I saw the report. :)
Hi, I can't find a news report of the oil spill. I am very interested as my husband is in New Zealand and he is going to the Great Barrier Reef soon to snorkel. Where was it reported? Thanks. I have texted him anyway but he might ask where I saw the report. :)
No problem, I first read the story on UTV, its a Northern Ireland television site:

Here is another report from another site with more detail:

hope you find these links of use. :thumbs:
Thanks very much. It wasn't even mentioned on Sky when I looked earlier after reading your post. :)
No problem, i couldnt find it on the sky news website either... P.S. jus incase you havent seen it i have added another link above... :thumbs:
Thanks again. I expect it would be on the news in New Zealand. I know his holiday plans aren't important compared to the environmental disaster aspect of things but at least I could warn him thanks to your post. :)
:/ i dont think we should use oil period, its not like we done have better alternatives. I sure hope it doesn;t affect the reefs, still so much to learn about it, also an awsome vacation destination.

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