Ohhhhhhhhh Nooooooooo

or you could just accept the fact that he is hiding and leave him alone until he come out for food and stops being shy.

Once you know he isnt on the floor there is no need 2 worry at all IME.
I still need to get him out of the filter before i worry about him going anywhere else lol.

just so i know - do eels bite?
They can but it doesn't hurt - no teeth. Personally I worry more about the spines on my eels than their bite :lol:

Oh, the spines aren't poisonous or anything either btw, they just jab alot :lol:
eels will ONLY bite you if u have food in your hand e.g. when i was feeding a prawn once i got bitten. As already said this doesnt hurt at all it just makes you jump lol.

Also the spines are not even spiney lol i know that it sounds funny but they dont even prik you or anything. The only thing that i would watch out for if you must try and get him out is that he will not move and then wen you are bout 1 cm away from him he will move very sudden and u should try not to let him make you jump.

Finally i strongly adavise against trying to get him out!

This will only make him more stressed than he already is and wont help the situation after all he wil probably only go bak into it once our arm is out of the tank.
i had a tire track eel. i didnt see him for day, then on closer inspection of the tankmates i found a very fat pike cichlid with the tail of a 1' tire track flowing out of his mouth....
sold the evil bugger :sly:

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