Ohh ohh Nitrites are high


Fish Fanatic
Oct 23, 2003
Reaction score
I have a 30 gallon tank

it's about 11 weeks old

I presently have about 22 inches worth of small fish in it.

I have high nitrite values I need help

I'm very worried for my fish they all look fine but this nitrite level is alarming.

I have not lost any fish yet I repeat yet

This is waht I have in there right now

4 Colombian Tetras
3 red eyed Tetras
1 Honey Gourami
7 neons
1 Oto

How can I drop this Nitrite level to zero

Please help I desperate

water changes are simply the best thing to do for that. :nod:
How long can I safely continue to do 1/4 water changes today is my second day in a row in which I have done 1/4 water changes

Levels are still dark pink to light purple

Help guys
Mine never gets higher than pink. - Do another 50% water change daily :thumbs:
Will this not be dangerous

Remember this is a new tank it's only 11 weeks old

thanks for your help
Have you been noticing any improvement in your tanks nitrite levels yet? Keep an eye on that and make sure you have proper testing equipment...if your levels are decreasing at all, get some gravel from a tank that has been cycled and put it in yours...also start thinking about moving your fish to another aquarium because Nitrites will kill fish slowly and once they are poisoned they hardly ever live. ;)
I dont suggest using any product to help your tank...Use gravel from another tank to help spread nitrite eating bacteria in your tank and continue with water changes..Eelzor knows what he is doing i would listen to him :kana:
It seems your tank is still cycling. The more water changes that you do, the longer the cycle will take, BUT it will save your fish. Don't add any chemicals to eliminate the nitrite - even though it's dangerous for your fish, it is part of the cycle. The levels should decrease soon till they reach zero. It is a very good idea to add some gravel from an established tank - it will help speed up the process.

Mine never gets higher than pink
- Eelzor - I don't know what test you're using but if pink on your scale means that nitrite is present - then why? In an established tank there should not be any nitrite at all.

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