Oh The Shame

PAH are definitely not cheap for fish at all.

To additionally clarify - I'm definitely not unhappy with the Corys I have, they're great! Just bemused how they don't know what they're selling!

The tank's not cycled yet, but I'm watching it like a hawk.

The staff member doesn't necessarily not know what they're doing, if you pointed to a tank of bronze cories and ask for two pandas, they probably assumed you wanted two bronze and had just got their name wrong / read the wrong ticket. You are at fault as much as the staff member is, yes they should've clarrified the fishs name with you, but if had done your own initial reseach you would've known they weren't pandas..
PAH are definitely not cheap for fish at all.

To additionally clarify - I'm definitely not unhappy with the Corys I have, they're great! Just bemused how they don't know what they're selling!

The tank's not cycled yet, but I'm watching it like a hawk.

The staff member doesn't necessarily not know what they're doing, if you pointed to a tank of bronze cories and ask for two pandas, they probably assumed you wanted two bronze and had just got their name wrong / read the wrong ticket. You are at fault as much as the staff member is, yes they should've clarrified the fishs name with you, but if had done your own initial reseach you would've known they weren't pandas..

give the guy a break,he has realised he should have done some research,we all make some mistakes when we enter this hobby
Again, I know I'm not blameless, however there weren't any tickets for bronze Corys at all - certainly not for any adjacent tank, and fairly certain the only other Cory they had were albinos, so the label was incorrect, and the staff member didn't know what the fish were either.
Again, I know I'm not blameless, however there weren't any tickets for bronze Corys at all - certainly not for any adjacent tank, and fairly certain the only other Cory they had were albinos, so the label was incorrect, and the staff member didn't know what the fish were either.

mate forget about it,whats done is done.just concentrate on getting your cycle done and keeping your fish healthy.learn from your mistakes

I'm not going to make excuses for my lack of research.

My point was, and still is, that PAH, as the experts in that particular situation should know what they're selling.

I was an irresponsible buyer, but PAH have possibly failed in their duty of care. If they had mis-sold a mammal to me, and that mammal had suffered as a consequence of bad advice, then the repercussions could have been horrific for all parties as well as the animal.

So, to what I said earlier after it was pointed out that I shouldn't have just jumped in and said that PAH are whatever, but I do stick with my comment that perhaps either do your research before going to PAH, or consider if you want to go there based on my experience.
I don't intend to cause offense guys, apologise if I did. If they weren't correctly labelled you should bring it up with the manager, you might get something out of it :) .
Why do people think that people working at Pets at Home are experts? Or even know what they are talking about.

This always bemuses me

A quick look at the Pets@Home careers section:

Skills required;
You will have previous experience, or an appreciation, of delivering excellent customer service as well as having a passion for pets. You'll also have the ability and proven experience of working well within a team and a desire to work and thrive within a fast-paced retail environment.
This is an excellent opportunity to join a successful retail business where training and development is second to none and the atmosphere in store is something that you just won't find anywhere else!

Working within a team and customer service are required, theres nothing there about skills with animals, just you have to like them.
Its a chain store! A big chain store that has an endless turnover of staff, so even if they wanted to train them all to a high standard they couldn't. They are probably given a days training which encompasses all thier animals and let loose!

I don't ask the person in Greggs the best way to eat my Chicken Slice! (And yes I know the comaparison is a bit null because one is with animals, but I put it in and I liked namedropping Greggs!)

(And don't get me wrong, I'm not defending P@H, I hate them)

This has nothing to do with the original poster, I just have been internally ranting about this for ages now, and it feels good to get it out!
No offence taken!

I think it's been a healthy discussion, much has been laid down, and that had been debated properly.

Hopefully people will now see the mistakes I've made, see the comments made and will be able to make a better decision on where to buy fish, which fish to buy, and in what quantities.

As scotty said, I've made a mistake, and I do indeed intend to learn from it, sort things out in my tank and to have a lifetime of keeping happy healthy fish.

As for PAH - if they choose to keep me topped up with test kits, that'll do me :) I intend keeping a very close eye on this tank, and I would like a larger tank for the Corys, and definitely have 6+!

Speaking of which, if anyone has a tank for sale within West Yorkshire, let me know! Either under 43" long, or with a stand :)
The term 'expert' is actually a legal one alongside 'duty of care'.

As the vendor of a product or service where you offer advice on the sale, be it fish, car service or whatever, you are the expert, and you often legally have to offer a duty of care to ensure that the product or service is suitable.

It's a poor comparison, but if someone told you your brakes were a bit low after a service, and they failed on the way home, then the expert has failed in their DOC that your car may be dangerous to drive, and could become a legal matter.
To be honest what I find is that people join pets at home because of the cute little furry animals, they have little or no interest in fish, so it tends to get left on the side line a little. Don't get me wrong, everyone has to be trained to sell a fish, but the trainig is very (very, very, very, very,very (I could go on...)) basic. You're best off finding someone who actually has an interest in fish and getting them to serve you, each store should have at least one fish "expert".
Yes, but then I wouldnt take my car to a mechanic in a supermarket style who has had little to no training and certainly none specialising in brakes...

I'm not debating that they have a duty of care and should be better, they definately should be!!! I'm just suprised people think that a large chain store such as that actually spends more than a few hours training its staff

Much as I dislike them, next time I am passing I shall go into Pets @ Home and ask them how much actual training they have had!

I'll have to ask a couple I expect because there is never anybody specific in the fish section.

Watch this space, I shall return!

each store should have at least one fish "expert".

Should being the key word here.

If a store has one I bet its only one or two staff, so there will be large portions of the working week when there is no 'expert' in store
Sounds like it's easy to be over-qualified there.

Here's a comparison for fish and cars if we're talking muppets in big chains. Fish - PAH, cars - Kwik Fit.

Actually, scary, as I knew what KF could be like, and now I know more about PAH!!
Sounds like it's easy to be over-qualified there.

Here's a comparison for fish and cars if we're talking muppets in big chains. Fish - PAH, cars - Kwik Fit.

Actually, scary, as I knew what KF could be like, and now I know more about PAH!!

But nothing can fit quickier than a kwik fit fitter!

Ok, I'll get me coat.
I'll get my duvet. Daughter's birthday tomorrow, well today now. She'll be up with the lark for her presents!
I fail to see the pets at home argument. Its been debated, talked, and argued over. I've had good experiences with most of them. Its a chain, each one is managed by a different manager. Its not the chains fault if something isn't right, the problem lies with the manager. A supermarket in the town here always says that there is 20% off this, £3 off that, when you actually take it to the till and pay for it you can see the item is still full price once its been scanned. Next town to us there hasn't been a single problem and its with the same supermarket company. Whose to blame? The manager, not the company.
Yes I agree they have extremely little training in aquatics, they're also supposed to research a wee bit themselves depending on the fish they have in. I know one lad who works in one and keeps fish himself, he alone works at the fish area, he won't allow anyone else to work with him and he orders in all the fish and takes orders if a customer is wanting anything specific. He makes sure the tanks are always gleaming and inspects the fish numerous times a day. Even when catching fish for a customer, if a wee bit of water runs down the glass he will clean the glass once he's finished with the customer. Regardless of the name of the shop, would you call that a good or a bad shop?

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