Oh Noo!


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Nottingham UK
Ive been away for a week from my tank.
I got home to do a water change. I asked my mum if she could leave a bucket of water out for 24 hours before i got home. She sais she did. So i water changed, then she said that she actually only did it 2 hours before i got home. I have put a few drops of stress coat into the water. Will this be ok?
I have 2 Platys and a Pleco (had the tank for 4 weeks).
did you de-chlorinate the water??


+1 schottay!! never heard of that one before!! i'd fall over the bucket!! lol

is Stress Coat a dechlorinator?

If not, you need to be adding one for every water change. Leaving water to stand overnight MAY gas off some chlorine, but it will not do anything to remove chloramine, and both are present and possibly harmful to your bacteria colony in the filter.
water naturally de-chlorinates over 24 hours...

I had to put the stress coat into the tank (water conditioner).. Is that ok?
+2 2 small kids would have be putting all sorts in a bucket of water if i never had it in my hand de chlorinater is sold for a reason lol you should be ok
mmmm...i would stick to de-chlorinator if i was you. better to be on the safe side (see zz's post). it is ok to put de-chlorinator into the tank. i do the same as schottay...add de-chlorinator to the water before adding the water to the tank. not convinced by the 24 hour method m8...sorry!!

hope all is ok though

L :unsure:
Get your self some de-chlorinator. Fill the bucket up with the ammount you take out, get the temp the same as the tank, add the ammount of de-chlorinator you need then top the tank back up.

Must easier than this 24 hour method you seem to be using, never heard of it myself :unsure:
water does de-chlorinate, but chloramine will NOT evaporate if you leave the water to stand.
In all the time I`ve been keeping fish I`ve never left water to 'stand' :no:

I drain out, refill from the kitchen mixer tap and add Seachem Prime dechlorinator while the tank is refilling ;)
water does de-chlorinate, but chloramine will NOT evaporate if you leave the water to stand.

What he said. It used to be a common method used years and years ago but water companies add chloramine nowadays as this is said to be better at killing any harmful to human nasties that may be in the water. You need to add it to the water as you're pouring it out the tap then just put it straight back into your tank. Much better practice, anything could be getting into the water that was stood for 24 hours. Dust, hairs, oils, daylight...
Stress Coat is a dechlorinate. It works really well. A few drops may have not been enough though. How much water did you add. Read the back and see how much you should have added.

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