OH NO!!!


New Member
Sep 16, 2004
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Medford New Jersey
I know I made this same thread before, but now I lost it.

My mom has back to her idea of having a goldfish in her 2.5 gallon. he told me she woouldn't do it, but now she changed her mind again. I explained everything to her and she doesn't care at all. She likes red platies also. Could those maybe work? Or guppies? Please help! I need substitute fish. She doesn;t believe anything I say about the fishes health because she "Had 2 goldfish in a fishbowl for 2 years and they were fine". She doesn't like bettas because they don't do enough stuff.
People like that make me SO angry!

Also, bettas are AWESOME! Mine wave at me and are always so cute and hyper!!! :D
Right. They lived 2 years, out of their potential 20 or so year life span. Would you say a puppy was fine if you kept it alive in a box for 2 years before it died?

In a 2.5 gallon tank, get a betta. They are beautiful, come in a wide range of colors and finnage, and they are very interactive little fish that do well in small tanks and are smart enough to recognize you.
Show your mom a picture of a crowntail betta and for sure she'd change her mind about them. I have 2 crowntails and they are not a boring fish at all if you keep them happy. Mines would come up and start flaring and acting all hyped up everytime i come close to their tank, probably begging for food. I think it's cruel to put a gold fish in a 2 gallon tank.....
Try this one:

A goldfish can live for 20-30 years in a good environment. Let's call it 20.

If it only lives 2 years, it has only lived one tenth of its life.

This is the same as a human, who should live to 70, dying aged 7. Would she think it was "fine" if her child (i.e. you....) died age 7?

thoguht not.
The solution is simple. If she does not listen to reason and goes ahead and does it, then simply take the goldfish out of the bowl when she isn't looking and rehome them, stating animal cruelty as your motive. If you find this too drastic an approach, just let her do it and more likely than not the fish will die after a short period of time, teaching her what she did was wrong. Or, you could even combine the two. Take the fish, and tell her it died. Then she will know better and the fish will also be better off.
gaya1111 said:
couldn't you get your mom to check out the forum?

For 2 years I have been trying to teach her how to use a computer, and she STILL doesn't know how to turn it on and off. For real. She doen't know how to push the off button after 2 years of teaching her.

Another thing, I give up explaining anything to her. If I try to tell her about the life of a goldfish, I just get "Yeah o.k, shutup and go away". As if I don't know anything about anything.

Like I said, she doesn't like bettas. she doesn't like them because "You have to take care of it, and goldfish don't need that much care".

Right now, I am looking for plant design for the tank. she can keep plants instead of fish.
Hactually, betta's are simple! they can with stand quite bad conditions, only difference with them and gold fish is Cold water and Tropical water temperatures.

Obviously theres a growth difference etc, but you get my point?
Yeah, I see wut you mean, but my explainations don't seem to work. It's the same old attitude time after time. "Shutup and go away, your an idiot and don't know anything." O.k, thanks for taking me seriously mom.
woo hoo! I finally convinced her that a goldfish was so difficult and that it would be very hard for her to take care of it.

She is gonna put sand and plants in it. so I told her, since she still wanted it to be interesting, I'll put a crab or 2 in it.
Amtrak21 said:
woo hoo! I finally convinced her that a goldfish was so difficult and that it would be very hard for her to take care of it.

She is gonna put sand and plants in it. so I told her, since she still wanted it to be interesting, I'll put a crab or 2 in it.

BTW: it would be funny if 5000 goldfish surrounded her and attacked her :))

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