Oh No!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
Essex, UK
I came in today to find my fighter stuck behind the filter...literally wedged between the glass and the filter. His before white tail now is bright red along the bottom! Is this blood? Or just a way of expressing stress?
What should i do?
I came in today to find my fighter stuck behind the filter...literally wedged between the glass and the filter. His before white tail now is bright red along the bottom! Is this blood? Or just a way of expressing stress?
What should i do?
this could be septicemia......repost in tropical fish emergencies hopefully wilder will get a look and be able to help!
Hi Jelly
I'm afraid i dont know what you should do, but increasing aereation shouldn't do any harm. Is it struggling to get to the surface at all?
he is swimming about, but he is very subdued. im worried for him...
I believe Monica had a similar experience a few days ago and used salt and bettafix. I dont know what type of salt, aquarium or epsom, but hopefully she can enlighten you??
well....really clean water, a little aquarium salt, melafix or bettafix or if it is septicemia then maracyn2 or another stronger antibiotic. increased airation...as long as its not woshing him around the tank is good. lowering the water level a bit if he seems to be having trouble getting to the top.

is the tank heated or room temp? they seem to get better faster if heated.

but again go ask in the emergency section...there is never a stupid question when is comes to the health of what your caring for.
Yep. just a few days ago it happened to my little female.
I used Bettafix and Aquarium Salt, and she is healing quite nicely. In addition, clean water. ((Consider yourself enlightened))

When you say it was red on the end of the tail, do you mean a pinkish tinge? or was it like blood red?
I do not believe bettas can bleed through their tails, and even if they could I do not think it would show in the water, as it would be rinsed away immediately.

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