Oh No! Sick?


New Member
Apr 11, 2007
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Philadelphia, PA.
Hi all,

Haven't stopped by in awhile. But I've come back to get advice from the best, as you all have helped me many times before.

I noticed a white spot on my Bumblebee Chiclid today. Its located under his chin. Those of you who have or have owned a Bumblebee (Hornet) know that it changes from black and yellow to all black when aggressive. He has been black for the last 3 days or so and like I said, I noticed the spot on his chin today. It may have been there for awhile and maybe I have not noticed it while he was feeling "yellow". But with the color being all black - it is very noticeable.

While inspecting the other fish. I noticed a small white spot on my Acei as well on his back towards his tail. And both of my Red Zebras have 2 small white specks on both sides of their gills. Almost looks like they are starting to grow whiskers. The other 10 fish in my tank apear to look good and healthy.

I am assuming ich.

But I have some questions :

*The spot on my Bumblebee is large in comparison with the other spots I describe on my other fish. Is that Ich?

*I read a good article on treatment and want to try it. But the article left out some things. It suggests to slowly increase my tank temp to 86F because Ich can not survive in temps above 84 to 85F. It also suggest 3 tblspns of aq. salt per 5 gallons of water. It says to add the salt slowly, and continue treatment for 10 days. Does that mean I have to add all that salt everyday for 10 days? That sounds kind of crazy! Or add that amount in the span of 10 days?

*Do the LFS medicines work? And if so, which do you recommend? (Also, I understand that I can not do the salt and temp remedy if I use LFS treatments. The article said that could be harmful to the fish.)

Any other suggestions would be greatly appricated!

I love my fish, and would be crushed if I lost them. My 3 kids have a name for each one. Please help!

Thank you!

White spots bigger than whitespot are usually bacterial.
Any red tinging around the spot.
if its going down in size sounds like the fish is healing its self.
Just keep a close eye on it, if its get bigger try a bacterial med in issolation.

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