Oh no I went into a pet store


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2005
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It seems everytime I go into a fish store I walk out with another fish or another tank, I don't think my parents are going to let me leave the house anymore because I always seem to come home with more tanks or fish. I now have a 25 G, a 5G, a 10G, a 2 G and a bowl in my room and then a 2.5 G tank downstairs with another bowl. My bettas are my fav fish, hence why I have 7 now and would like more just need somewhere to put them. Anyway I went into my local pet cetera and bought 2 male bettas for $5. I'm a member so I get buy one fish get one free so I decided to get two bettas, a red/green one and a reddy brown/ white odd looking one. I shall try and post pics but I've never done that before. Then there is a white/cream one at the Pj's that looks pretty cool, but where to put him? plus I think my parents would surely never let me out of the house again.
Congrats on the new arrivals, they sound very pretty. :) To upload a picture, it has to be hosted by a hosting site somewhere on the internet. www.photobucket.com is a popular, free one. Then get the code, click the 'IMG' button when you are replying and paste the code in. :) I can't wait to see pics.... :D
Ok hopefully these pics work, and I even took computer programing classes, ah yes I didn't really do anything in that class.
Anakin (not one of the new guys but I thought this was a nice pic)
New guy, at first I thought he was creepy but then I kept looking at him and then I really wanted him so I got him.

Then my other bettas don't take very good pictures, must be the plastic like tanks that they are in. The flash reflects off the glass or when I cover that it the picture just goes red but I'll keep trying on them, or maybe I'll just move them into a glass bowl for a while to get some good pics. I also thought the white/cream one was very creepy and now it has grown on me as well, maybe I'll end up with another Betta tomorrow, I do still have one bowl left to put him in. Good old Michaels craft store, maybe I'll have to go back their as well.



Thetre. I fixed it for you.
Thanks for fixing my pics. I got my guys at the Pet Cetera in West Edmonton mall. I tend to always go there and use my buy one fish get one fish free card and then have to buy more tanks/bowls to fit them in.

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