OH my There are Babies in my tank!!!!


New Member
Jan 20, 2005
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San Diego, CA
:eek: I was doing a water change yesterday and I Guess one of my guppies had babies with out telling me. I found about 6 of them. I have no Idea how old they are or who even had them. I put them in a 5 and a half gallon. Please someone help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats, just feed finely crushed flakes, and baby brime strimp, keep an eye on water quality as the food can soon polute a small tank.
a 5 gallon should do fine, feeding them finely crushed tropical flakes 2-3 times a day will do just fine. change the water at least once a week. your mama guppy should have more babies in abt. 4 wks. Congrats on the new arrivals!! make sure the water doesn't get too cloudy. Hope your babies live. :D
:cool: Fry are fun but are jaklar(damn) easy to over-feed so keep the subsrate vacced. I do my main tank once a week but the fry grow-out tank needs it every four to five days.
Thanks guys. I have a little filter in the tank with the fry. It is hooked up to a two way val. So it also put oxg. in the tank. Its a replaceable filter creats no current. They are sooooooooooo cute. How can I tell how old they are? I've been feeding them a couple times a day and they are eating and chasing eachother around. :hyper: I'm such a happy fishie mom.
Just make sure they can't get sucked into your filter, or get into it, good luck.
My dalmation molly decided to have her babies today while I was at work. I came home and checked on my 30 gal. as usual and I saw my bumblebee catfish with an unusually large belly. I didn't feed them that morning because I had to go in at 7:30 a.m. so I thought I would feed them when I got off (1 p.m.) so I wondered why his belly was so huge. I looked around some more and saw 2 molly fry swimming at the surface. I almost cried I was so happy! I've never had fry before! :hyper: I looked around and found another one. I went to the LPS and bought a small breeding net. I scooped up the babies gently and put all three in the net. About 20 minutes later out came another one from behind the plants! This continued until I found 6 in total. They are all happy and swimming around un their breeding net. I fed them some baby brine shrimp pellets (crushed up in kind of like powder) and crushed up flakes. They ate it very quickly. I hope they live and I hope I can find some more hiding around in the tank. They are so tiny and get lost easily in a planted 30 gal. :nod: It's a shame I was at work and my catfish ate most of the fry. :no:
Thats funny I only found 6 babys as well. I put them in there own tank they love it. Soooo dame cute :fun:
Good thing you moved the fry or mom and dad will eat them up quick(along with many other fish). Most likely she did have more(mature females can have over 30) but you didnt get to them in time. Just remember to keep that water clean. For my guppy fry tanks i do water changes 2x a week(25%) or weekly (40%) and i feed them 2-3x a day on crushed flakes and freeze dried bloodworms. They need warmer temps then their parents, i keep mine at 76-78F. You'll find they'll grow quick this way.
Good luck and congrats on the newborns. :D

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