Oh Dear


Fish Addict
Oct 11, 2006
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a few of you may know that i have an SPS coral - cyphastrea. Just now ive noticed that theres a reasonably large piece that is 'missing' and has literally just dissapeard.
heres a pic of it before

and it now

im not quite sure if this is coral recession or predation because ive been busy lately and havnt really looked at my tank. One thing i have seen htough lately is a rather large fireworm creeping about, but i thought they only were a threat to shrooms and softies of the sort. Also its a beige coloured one so its mostl iekly not the red coral muncher. Im really quite worred atm because im not sure what is happening and i have very little knowledge or expiereince with sps. If anyone knows of any things that affect encrusting corals then please help.

:) all help appreciated greatly
Wierd. It looks like it's grown in some places but not in others... Other than the deadspot it looks really healthy so its tough to say. My only advice would be to watch it and see if the dieoff continues, stops, or if there's anything picking at it.
noppe they are the same as always - ammonia 0ppm nitrite 0 nitrate 0 and a ph of 8.0. This morning the whole of the left is practicaly gone. I think theres nothing i can do really to save it now. Also i dont have a calcium and kh kit because i just cant afford one in between saving for lights, saving for corals, having a bit of a social life and all the other things that restrain us from spending £300 on our tanks
You have a marine tank AND a social life? Well done sir... very well done :good:
i removed them as they appeard to be invading the coral as there was evidenece of the coral being where the mushrooms were.

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