Office Betta


Fish Addict
Mar 2, 2005
Reaction score
Southern Indiana
I never thought about having a betta to keep me company at the office. I am in an office alone and I don't think my boss would have a problem with it. Can I get some suggestions about the best type of set up. My office is pretty cool (temperature-wise that is) most of the time so I would probably need a heater. Also what do you do about feeding on the weekends, especially long three-day weekends or when you go on vacation? I could take him home, but I would think that would be pretty stressful for him. BettaMomma is contagious. :)
OoooOooOooOooh.... fresh victims. :devil:
I LOVE them. heh heh

Well, first - i MUST warn you. If you get one, you'll want SEVERAL more. I'm going on number 6 now, and I've only been keeping them for 4 months. lol

Oh, and welcome to the addiction!

Here's a quick list of things you could/should maybe consider, and then GO FOR IT! :)

A tank - 2 gallons are great, 2.5 gallons are great, either one. Even a 1 gallon works fine, but you'll most likely want to heat it so I'd go with a 2 or 2.5G tank cuz they don't really make any heaters that will work very well in a 1 gallon tank. You can either go to your lfs, or PetSmart or WalMart (eek) and get the tank. If you go to the lfs, you can usually get a glass tank for about 8 or 9$. Then you'll need a glass lid (and if you want, you can get a lighted hood - or you can always buy that a little later) I think the glass lids are 3$ or so. If you go to WM, you can get a sweet little 2G hex tank with an airstone for 20$. That gives you the tank, and hood/lid with light, airstone and pump - it's a pretty good deal, actually. One of my boys is in a tank like this. Then all that is left to get is a heater and the decorations. OH! And the fishy!

If you can find one, get a Mini Hydor heater to go in your tank. They're WONDERFUL. I have them in all my betta tanks - they raise the temp up between 2 - 5 degrees above room temp. They're flat and they stick right on the side of the tank w/suction cups. and all my boys love to sit up near the top between the tank wall and the cord - it's their favorite place to hang out and rest.

They also love plants - I have all silk plants so I don't have to worry about lighting, dying plants, etc. etc. Don't bother with plastic plants - they'll rip their tails. AND MAKE SURE you don't get any decorations that are scratchy. Run your hand over the entire surface of your decs, and imagine if you had nylons over your hand - if you think the decs would rip the nylons, DON'T get it.

One thing that I have in every single one of my fish's tanks is a little blue archway. Oh, here it is in this picture of Harvey's tank:
- it's over on the right side of the tank. They love to swim thru it. I think they sell them at WM so if you get a tank there you could get one of those. I get mine at PetWorld cuz I don't buy anything but fishes at WM :) They're really smooth and they really have fun going thru it. They like to even hide out in there. (They THINK you can't see them in there, for some reason lol)

Don't forget to pick up a thermometer - the kind that go inside the tank and stick on the side are the best and most accurate - but just make sure you don't stick it right next to the heater! They like to be in temps between 76 - 82.

and MOST IMPORTANTLY - get dechlorinator. I believe that WalMart also has "Start Right" by Jungle. You'll definitely need that before you put your little boy into his new home - it takes the chlorine outta the water.

Lemme know if you have more questions. :)

OH - as far as weekend feedings - mine go just fine without feedings on saturday and sunday. I just give them an extra pellet or two on friday afternoon before I leave and they get along just fine.
Thanks, BettaMomma, I know what I'll be doing this evening. BETTA SHOPPING :kana: By the By - I already have one betta, Jericho, a Walmart rescue. He was in a community tank when I got him and I put him in mine. He is very social and loves all the room. I talked with my better half last night about setting up a small tank in the bedroom with just a betta in it. He said he would "think" about it. :whistle: So the one at the office will make three when I get the other set ups. What did you name your new addition? :fish:
I dont have an office but I do have 3 bettas next to my monitor at home. They relieve a lot of stress from homework and stuff. I would imagine they would do miracles in an office enviorment to releive stress. I read somewhere that a lot of doctors and dentists put a fish tanks in their waiting rooms too add a peaceful enviorment for their patients who are waiting to be treated. I hope your office betta bring you lots of joy! :p
Thanks, I'm so excited about getting a new boy that I can hardly wait to leave work today. --Cough, cough-- I might need to leave early, I think I'm getting ill. ;)
eudie - I had no idea you are already a betta owner. DOH!
You know how it is to want another one, then.

I'm right now waiting to dump my new little buddy into his tank - I just set it up. It's my favorite tank setup so far.

I am, however, getting the vicious stares from little Jasper.
I think he's jealous. I think he's also going to be pleasantly surprised to have a side-by-side tank view of the new guy. Let the flaring begin!!! :wub:

I haven't decided what to name him yet. I'm thinking about Reuben, cuz he sorta looks like a reuben sandwich but I am not sure yet.

I'll post pics in a few minutes.
yay for us all!!!
eudielynn @ Posted: Mar 18 2005, 03:51 PM

Thanks, I'm so excited about getting a new boy that I can hardly wait to leave work today. --Cough, cough-- I might need to leave early, I think I'm getting ill. wink.gif

There's something going around.
It's very contagious.
I heard it's called needtagetonemorebetta-itis.
Be careful with office bettas.
They multiply.
Here's my desk:

Notice that they're starting to work their way over to my actual working area.
BettaMomma said:
Be careful with office bettas.
They multiply.
Here's my desk:

Notice that they're starting to work their way over to my actual working area.
Atleast you have working area! I have NO room in my room to write or anything on any of my desks. One houses Toggle's 10 gallon and the other houses a divided 10 gallon for 2 more bettas, Angus's 1.5 gallon bowl and a .5 gallon for my snails. :rolleyes: I swear, I am addicted because of Bettamomma. :p I am afraid I will pick up 2 or 3 bettas instead of 1 when I got to the LFS this weekend. :lol: :wub:

I went from one sick male betta with fin rot to...

13 female bettas
1 male betta
Getting another male betta this weekend.

15 bettas! :hyper:
See? I told you they multiply.
Although you do have a pretty bad case of bettaitis. I haven't seen it spread this fast til now. :hyper:

You know, you could always use the sides of their tanks to put your paper on to write.
Plenty of work space!
I have a betta on my desk at work and he's become the office mascot! :p I swear the only reason people pop by my office anymore is to say hello to Finnigan :whistle: :lol:

You've raised some important questions. Heating is important as I've just learned this week. I only have a 1 gallon so have relied on the consistent temp in the office. Last weekend the furnace died so I found my baby almost lifeless Monday morning in a 58F tank :( . Everything's fixed and he's fine again... but I am looking into purchasing a larger tank (possibly a 3 gallon) so I can get a heater too.

I'm fortunate that my office is open every saturday. Although I don't work weekends, one of my coworkers has volunteered to feed him every Sat. Sunday is his day to fast. It doesn't seem to bother him so far. ( I make sure to give him just a wee bit more every monday as a treat :wub: ) I have popped in occassionallly on sundays to feed him too :p

This coming weekend I have 5 days off for Easter. I am considering taking him home with me as I plan to do when I have a week off next month. I'm hoping this won't be too stressful.. but think overall it will be best for him.

You'll LOVE having a betta at work with you. They're a great distraction :whistle: and just soooo relaxing to watch on those really stressful days.

good luck!! :D
I agree Bettamomma is the carrier of the bettaaddictionitis disease!

*sticks bettaMomma in a seperate tank and adds salt*

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